What is BWCSE?
The mission of BWCSE are- Networking and mentoring opportunities Professional Development Leadership opportunities Technical skill development
Other Clubs Among other clubs in CSE BUET there are- BSADD BUET PROGRAMMING CONTEST GROUP
BSADD BUET SYSTEM ANALYSIS & DEVELOPMENT GROUP Conceived by Sajjadur Rahman Sunny Sir Aims at providing insight and better opportunities for Software Development
BUET PROGRAMMING CONTEST GROUP Conceived by Mohammad Saifur Rahman Sir Focuses on Problem solving for Online Contests Holds Internal Contests for practice Greater aim ACM
Both boys and girls are invited to different sessions of BWCSE NO! Both boys and girls are invited to different sessions of BWCSE
How does BWCSE work? Get informed about resources and opportunities of Conference publication, Higher studies, Scholarship, Programming Contests and Internship Attend Monthly meetings for networking sessions with local and foreign alumni Attend Tech Talks featuring Entrepreneurs and Professionals from CSE BUET Participate in Mentoring Program
SUCCESS STORIES Till now, BWCSE members have triumphed over Grace Hopper Conference of Women in Computing both USA and India, SC and Google Anita Borg Scholarship of 2014 and 2015
Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing Series of conferences to exhibit research and career interests of women in computing Presented by Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology and ACM In 2014, nine out of nine posters were accepted by the then 2nd and 3rd students and scholarship grants were awarded to 2 students
This year out of 18 posters four had been accepted for presentation at the conference Out of 1880 scholarship applications, 19 were from BUET and 3 BUETIANs are lucky enough to be part of the 26% success holders
Grace Hopper Conference for Women in Computing India 2014 6 out of 24 posters accepted for presentation 9 scholarship grants One of the posters was in top 3
Success at SC Prestigious International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis 2 of the BWCSE members, Maliha Sarwat and Kazi Sinthia Kabir were the worthy scholarship recipients out of the 26
This year, out of 500 applications, only 27 were selected and BWCSE VP Samia Shafique made her way through the selection process
Google Anita Borg Scholarship Offered to female students for excellence in academics and leadership Out of 32 applicants from BUET and thousands more in Asia, Samia Kabir Liya had been awarded Success rate 3% in very first year
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