Math for APES: Reviewing Basic Math Concepts
Math on the AP Test Reminders You cannot use a calculator on the AP Environmental Science exam Therefore, you cannot use a calculator on any quizzes/tests/FRQ/math practice in class. Write out all your work, even if it’s something really simple. Include units in each step. Your answers always need units and it’s easier to keep track of them if you write them in every step. Check your work. Go back through each step to make sure you didn’t make any mistakes in your calculations. Also check to see if your answer makes sense.
Decimals: Decimals are used to show fractional numbers. To add or subtract decimals, make sure you line up the decimals and then fill in any extra spots with zeros. Add or subtract just like usual. Be sure to put a decimal in the answer that is lined up with the ones in the problem.
Practice Problems 1.678 + 2.456 = 344.598 + 276.9 = 45.937 – 13.43 = ANSWERS: 4.134 621.498 32.507
To multiply decimal numbers To multiply decimal numbers...Line up the numbers just as you would if there were no decimals. DO NOT line up the decimals. Write the decimals in the numbers but then ignore them while you are solving the multiplication problem just as you would if there were no decimals at all. After you have your answer, count up all the numbers behind the decimal point(s). Count the same number of places over in your answer and write in the decimal.
Practice Problems 1.67 x 2.4 = 344.5 x 0.027 = 7.23 x 13.4 = ANSWERS: 4.008 9.3015 96.882
If the divisor does not have a decimal, set up the problems just like a regular division problem. Solve the problem just like a regular division problem. When you have your answer, put a decimal in the same place as the decimal in the dividend. If the divisor does have a decimal, make it a whole number before you start. Move the decimal to the end of the number, then move the decimal in the dividend the same number of places.
Practice Problems 1.67 ÷ 2.4 = 170.2/36 = 97.3675 ÷ 13.43 = ANSWERS: 0.695 4.727 7.25
Averages: To find an average, add all the quantities given and divide the total by the number of quantities. Example: Find the average of 10, 20, 35, 45, and 105. Step 1: Add all the quantities. 10 + 20 + 35 + 45 + 105 = 215 Step 2: Divide the total by the number of given quantities. 215 / 5 = 43
Practice Problems Find the average of the following numbers: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, and 29 Find the average of the following numbers: 124, 456, 788, and 343 Find the average of the following numbers: 4.56, .0078, 23.45, and .9872 ANSWERS: 16.7 427.75 7.25
Percents: show fractions or decimals with a denominator of 100 Percents: show fractions or decimals with a denominator of 100. Always move the decimal TWO places to the right go from a decimal to a percentage or TWO places to the left to go from a percent to a decimal. To add or subtract decimals, make sure you line up the decimals and then fill in any extra spots with zeros. Add or subtract just like usual. Be sure to put a decimal in the answer that is lined up with the ones in the problem.
To find the percent of a given number, change the percent to a decimal and MULTIPLY. Example: 30% of 400 Step 1: 30% = .30 Step 2: 400 x .30 12000 Step 3: Count the digits behind the decimal in the problem and add decimal to the answer. 12000 120.00 120
To find what percentage one number is of another, divide the first number by the second, then convert the decimal answer to a percentage. Example: What percentage is 12 of 25? Step 1: 12/25 = .48 Step 2: .48 = 48% (12 is 48% of 25)
Practice Problems What is 45% of 900? Thirteen percent of a 12,000 acre forest is being logged. How many acres will be logged? What percentage is 25 of 162.5? 35 is what percentage of 2800? ANSWERS: 405 1560 15.4% 1.25%
Percent change: A ratio that compares the increase/decrease between two values. Find the difference (subtraction) between the two values. Compare the difference to the original value. x 100 In 2001, Kindles cost $139. In 2006, they cost $114. What was the percent decrease in cost from 2001 to 2005? 139 – 114 = 25 = 0.1799 x 100 = 18% 139 139
Practice Problems Ann works in a supermarket for $10.00 per hour. If her pay is increased to $12.00, then what is her percent increase in pay? The staff at a company went from 40 to 29 employees. What is the percent decrease in staff? At a supermarket, a certain item has increased from 75 cents per pound to 81 cents per pound. What is the percent increase in the cost of the item? ANSWERS: 20% 27.5% 8%
Metric Units: Since the multiples and divisions of the base units are all factors of ten, you just need to move the decimal to convert from one to another. You can remember the order of the prefixes by using the following sentence: King Henry Died By Drinking Chocolate Milk.
Practice Problems 1200 kilograms = ? Milligrams 14000 millimeters = ? Meters 670 hectometers = ? centimeters ANSWERS: 0.0012 mg 14 m 0.067 cm
Other metric system prefixes to MEMORIZE Million (1,000,000) 1 x 106 Billion (1,000,000,000) 1 x 109 Trillion (1,000,000,000) 1 x 1012
Scientific Notation: Scientific notation is a shorthand way to express large or tiny numbers. Like the metric system, scientific notation is based on factors of 10 Example: 123,000,000,000 Step 1: Place a decimal after the first digit. 1.23000000000 Step 2: Count the digits after the decimal… there are 11. Step 3: Drop the zeros and write in the exponent. 1.23 x 1011 To write a large number in scientific notation, put a decimal after the first digit. Count the number of digits after the decimal you just wrote in. This will be the exponent. Drop any zeros so that the coefficient contains as few digits as possible. To write a tiny number in scientific notation, move the decimal after the first digit that is not a zero. Count the number of digits before the decimal you just wrote in. This will be the exponent as a negative. Drop any zeros before or after the decimal. Example: 0.0000000426 Step 1: 00000004.26 Step 2: Count the digits before the decimal…there are 8. Step 3: Drop the zeros and write in the exponent as a negative. 4.26 x 10-8
Practice Problems 145,000,000,000 13 million 0.000348 ANSWERS: 1.45 x 1011 1.3 x 107 3.48 x 10-4
To multiply exponents, multiply the coefficients just as you would regular decimals. Then add the exponents to each other. The exponents DO NOT have to be the same. Example: 1.35 x 106 X 3.72 x 105 = ? Step 1: Multiply the coefficients. 1.35 x 3.72 270 9450 40500 50220 5.022 Step 2: Add the exponents. 5 + 6 = 11 Step 3: Write your final answer. 5.022 x 1011
To divide exponents, divide the coefficients just as you would regular decimals, then subtract the exponents. In some cases, you may end up with a negative exponent. Example: 5.635 x 103 / 2.45 x 106 = ? Step 1: Divide the coefficients. 5.635 / 3.45 = 2.3 Step 2: Subtract the exponents. 3 – 6 = -3 Step 3: Write your final answer. 2.3 x 10-3
Practice Problems 1.32 x 108 X 2.34 x 104 3.7 x 10-3 X 4.33 x 103 ANSWERS: 5.6 x 103 1.6 x 101 1.33 x 105
Dimensional Analysis: Dimensional analysis is a way to convert a quantity given in one unit to an equal quantity of another unit by lining up all the known values and multiplying. It is sometimes called factor-labeling. In a dimensional analysis problem, start with your given value and unit and then work toward your desired unit by writing equal values side by side. Remember you want to cancel each of the intermediate units. To cancel a unit on the top part of the problem, you have to get the unit on the bottom. Likewise, to cancel a unit that appears on the bottom part of the problem, you have to write it in on the top. Once you have the problem written out, multiply across the top and bottom and then divide the top by the bottom.
Practice Problem: 3 years = ? seconds Step 1: Start with the value and unit you are given. There may or may not be a number on the bottom. Step 2: Start writing in all the values you know, making sure you can cancel top and bottom. Since you have years on top right now, you need to put years ont eh bottom in the next segment. Keep going, canceling units as you go, until you end up with the units you want (in this case seconds) on top. Step 3: Multiply all the values across the top. Write in scientific notation if it’s a large number. Write units on your answer. Step 4: Multiply all the values across the bottom. Write in scientific notation if it’s a large number. Write units on your answer if there are any. In this case everything was cancelled so there are no units. Step 5: Divide the top number by the bottom number. Remember to include units. Answer: 9.46 x 107 seconds