Using Photos to Create a Visual Biography Outline Photo Biography Using Photos to Create a Visual Biography Outline
Why a Photo Biography? Photo images are a type of language…we can use them to create messages, communicate ideas, and provide support for written ideas.
Besides, Everyone likes looking at photos! Plus…research has proven that we are more likely to process, remember, and recall information when it is coupled with interesting, well-made images that stimulate our visual thinking! Whew!!!
What is a Visual Biography Outline ? A short personal profile created with a combination of photo images, basic information, and a brief narrative about the person. Provides a brief introduction, some basic information about them, and a brief narrative (story describing) of that person.
The Assignment Select another JHS student… NOT A MEMBER OF THIS CLASS! Conduct a short “bio research interview.” Take five (5) photo images for this Visual Biography Outline
Construct An eight (8) slide Visual Biography Outline PowerPoint. First slide must be an intro slide that has the person’s name (first and last) and a clear, easy-to-view portrait-type image. Second and third slides will be a brief written Bio consisting of their name, birth date (age); their JHS class; their interests, activities, and hobbies.
The next four (4) slides will be will contain a variety of photo images taken by you of your selected person showing us (the viewers) more about them. These photo images should show the person in a variety of contexts ( situations, surroundings, or backgrounds) that help us understand more clearly about them. Photo images are a type of language…we can use them to create messages, communicate ideas, and provide support for written ideas.
The last slide… The eighth (8th) slide should be an image that clearly shows that the person is a Jeff High student and contain a text box with their response to the following question: The best thing about Jeff High is the…______________what?
And that is it…simple and easy to do! A very effective way to obtain 100 of the 500 total points for the 4th 9 week period! Can be completed in a very short period of time…some of this can be completed here in-class…if you are prepared. Due Date: May 15
Creating a Photo Biography Using photo images to create a JHS student bio profile.
Autumn Brown 2017
Meet Autumn Brown! A 15 year-old sophomore at Jeff High Is involved in Ap/Honors classes. Has been a member of the cheer squad for the past 2 years. Secretary for the Class of 2017 Autumn is also a Student Council member and a member of the Anchor Club.
Autumn’s hobbies include photography especially taking photos of the great outdoors and nature! She also likes cooking and baking. Autumn likes reading; her favorite author is Cassandra Clear And of course…she LOVES shopping! She loves Jeff High because of all of the opportunities available here!
Red Devil PRIDE!
The best thing about Jeff High is our PRIDE!
Special thanks and a big shout-out to Autumn Brown for her help with the creation of this example PowerPoint! Also…Dylan Thompson and Josh Waddell for their fabulous photos of Autumn.