eSafe Open Modules Overview A collection of design graphics 1
Java-based eSafe Open Module for PSCs PSC infrastructure eSafe infrastructure Java Appl Server Java Appl Server HTTP(S) PSC Portal Appl Access of eSafeDocx functionalities through API/SPI eSafe Portal Appl Access of eSafeDocx functionalities through API/SPI SOAP PSC Module eSafe Module WS WS Other libraries eSafedocx open module core eSafedocx open module core Other libraries API: Application Programming Interface – to be called by the portal e.g. lookupESafes(…), e.g. initiateSession(…) SPI: Service Provider Interface – to be called by the open module, e.g. propagating events through the event interface API/SPI TSL Module TSL Provider TSL Module API/SPI TSL OCD Module OCD Module PSC DB and Files eSafe DB and Files
Java-based eSafe Open Module for PSCs PSC infrastructure Java Appl Server eSafe Portal HTTP(S) PSC Portal Appl Access of eSafeDocx functionalities through API/SPI SOAP PSC Module WS Other libraries eSafedocx open module core API: Application Programming Interface – to be called by the portal e.g. lookupESafes(…), e.g. initiateSession(…) SPI: Service Provider Interface – to be called by the open module, e.g. propagating events through the event interface API/SPI TSL Module TSL Provider TSL OCD Module PSC DB and Files
PSC Open Module Container PSC infrastructure Java/.NET Server eSafe Portal HTTP(S) PSC Portal Appl Access of eSafeDocx functionalities using Web Services Java Appl Server PSC Open Module Container SOAP WS PSC Module WS Web Service interface – Simple interface, Simple functionality, no event interface Other libraries Other libraries PSC Addon WS Client Services eSafedocx open module core API/SPI TSL Module TSL Provider PSC Module Addon WS TSL OCD Module PSC DB and Files
eSafe Open Module Container eSafe infrastructure PSC Portal Java/.NET Server HTTP(S) eSafe Portal Appl Access of eSafeDocx functionalities using Web Services Java Appl Server eSafe Open Module Container SOAP eSafe Module WS WS eSafedocx open module core Client Services eSafe Addon WS Other libraries Other libraries TSL Provider TSL Module API/SPI TSL eSafe Module Addon WS OCD Module Web Service interface – Simple interface, Simple functionality, no event interface eSafe DB and Files
Java-based eSafe Open Module for eSafes eSafe infrastructure PSC Portal Java Appl Server HTTP(S) eSafe Portal Appl Access of eSafeDocx functionalities through API/SPI SOAP eSafe Module WS eSafedocx open module core Other libraries API: Application Programming Interface – to be called by the portal e.g. lookupESafes(…), e.g. initiateSession(…) SPI: Service Provider Interface – to be called by the open module, e.g. propagating events through the event interface TSL Provider TSL Module API/SPI TSL OCD Module eSafe DB and Files
eSafe Open Module Container and Client for .NET PSC infrastructure eSafe infrastructure Web Service interface – Simple interface, simple functionality, no event interface Java Appl Server Java/.NET Server HTTP(S) PSC Portal Appl Access of eSafeDocx functionalities through API/SPI eSafe Portal Appl Access of eSafeDocx functionalities using Web Services Java Appl Server eSafe Open Module Container SOAP PSC Module eSafe Module WS WS WS Other libraries eSafedocx open module core eSafedocx open module core Client Services eSafe Addon WS Other libraries Other libraries API/SPI TSL Module TSL Provider TSL Module API/SPI API: Application Programming Interface – to be called by the portal e.g. lookupESafes(…), e.g. initiateSession(…) SPI: Service Provider Interface – to be called by the open module, e.g. propagating events through the event interface TSL eSafe Module Addon WS OCD Module OCD Module PSC DB and Files eSafe DB and Files The eSafe Open Module is hosted by a small Java app (the Module Container) implementing a lightweight, stateless communication protocol with a WS client, providing a simplyfied version of the eSafe Open Module API
The PUSH principle eSafe SP PSC SP applies for new business PSC offers a list of trusted eSafes SP chooses option to attach documents from the eSafe 1 PSC SP SP chooses “his” eSafe 2 eSafe 3 folder document 1 document 2 document 3 4 5 PSC redirects SP to the SP’s eSafe of choice 6 SP selects documents to attach document A document B eSafe PUSHES documents to the PSC 7 8 SP confirms the documents and proceeds with the application 9 eSafe provides list of documents stored for the SP eSafe redirects SP back to PSC 10