World History Chapter 8 Section 1 Conservatives, Liberals, & Nationalism
Conservatives Goal OVERALL GOAL: Wanted life to return to the way things had been before the French Revolution.
Conservatives Prince Metternich, a Conservative leader, wanted to stop revolutionary ideals. Wanted to restore the royal families who lands were taken over by Napoleon. They supported a social hierarchy where the lower classes obeyed the social superiors.
Who Supported the Conservatives? Conservatives were backed by established churches: Catholics in Austria and Southern Europe Protestants in Northern Europe Eastern Orthodox in Eastern Europe
Conservatives Beliefs Conservatives believed that natural rights and constitutional government led to chaos. If there were to be change, it must be slow.
Liberal Goal OVERALL GOAL: Wanted government to be based on a constitution and separation of powers with little governmental interference.
Who were Liberals Spoke mostly for the Bourgeoisie (middle class). Liberals included business owners, bankers, and lawyers.
How they saw their Government Favored republican form of government or limited monarchy. Saw the role of government as limited to protecting basic rights (freedom of though, speech, and religion).
Liberal Beliefs At first, they believed that only male, property owners should have the right to vote but later supported Universals Manhood Suffrage. Supported Free markets or economies without government interference.
Goal of Nationalism OVERALL GOAL: Unite groups who share a common heritage and create their own homeland.
European Characteristics By 1815, Europe had several empires that included many nationalities. Nationalism often bred intolerance and led to violence against other ethnic or national groups.
Serbian Independence First of the Balkans counties to revolt against the Ottoman Empire. Karageorge led guerrilla attacks between 1804 – 1813, was unsuccessful but gave the Serbian people an identity.
Serbian Independence 1815, a new rebellion led by Milos Obernovic was more successful. Obernovic asked the Russians for help because they share the same Slavic language and religion (Eastern Orthodox Christianity). By 1830, the Serberian gain self-rule or autonomy
Greek Independence In 1821, Greeks revolted against the Ottoman empire. Leaders of the rebellion justified their struggle as “A national war, a holy war, a war the object of which is to reconquer the rights of individual liberties”.
Greek Independence Britain, France, and Russians forced the Ottomans to grant independence and by 1830, Greece was independent. Greeks had to accept a German King, a move made to show they did not approve of their nationalism.