Management of vehicles on Local Government reserves and Crown land.
Road Traffic Act 1961 road - means an area that is open to or used by the public and is developed for, or has as one of its main uses, the driving of motor vehicles
road-related area means: an area that divides a road; a footpath or nature strip adjacent to a road; an area that is not a road and that is open to the public and designated for use by cyclists or animals; any public place that is not a road and on which a vehicle may be driven, whether or not it is lawful to drive a vehicle there.
Section 22 An offence commenced on the complaint of a police officer or otherwise on behalf of the Crown, or on the complaint of an officer or employee of a council, a traffic control device proved to have been on, above or near a road will be conclusively presumed to have been lawfully installed or displayed there under this Act.
traffic control device means a sign, signal, marking, structure or other device or thing, to direct or warn traffic on, entering or leaving a road, and includes— (a) a traffic cone, barrier, structure or other device or thing to wholly or partially close a road or part of a road; and (b) a parking ticket-vending machine and parking meter
Australian Road Rules The Australian Road Rules apply to vehicles and road users on roads and road-related areas. The definition of a road and road related area are the same except …
Australian Road Rules 1999 Road related area includes: an area that is not a road and that is open to or used by the public for driving, riding or parking vehicles. This differs from the Road Traffic Act; any public place that is not a road and on which a vehicle may be driven, whether or not it is lawful to drive a vehicle there.
In the Rules, a reference to a road generally includes road-related areas. If a particular rule does not apply to road-related areas, or applies only to road-related areas, this will be stated in the rule. The speed-limit applying to a driver for a length of road to which a speed-limit sign applies is the number of kilometres per hour indicated by the number on the sign.
If a speed-limit sign does not apply to a length of road and the length of road is not in a speed- limited area, school zone or shared zone, the speed-limit applying to a driver for the length of road is the default speed-limit. 50 in a built up area. 100 for any other length of road.
A speed-limit sign on a road applies to the length of road beginning at the sign and ending at the nearest of the following: (a) a speed-limit sign on the road with a different number on the sign; (b) an end speed-limit sign or speed derestriction sign on the road; (c) if the road ends at a T-intersection or dead end—the end of the road.