Enzymes & Chemical Reactions Responsible for ALL chemical reactions Control the rate of reactions in ALL living organisms Where ever you see an ARROW in a Chemical Formula… There are ENZYMES involved! Enzymes CO2 + H2O H2CO2
Enzymes are PROTEINS! They are long chains of Amino Acids! The Amino Acids are bonded together at the Ribosome They can be DENATURED by Temperature and pH! Destroy (Distort) the Natural Shape
Proteins (Enzymes) Make YOU… YOU! If Denatured… They won’t work! Enzymes are SPECIFIC! One Enzyme to One Chemical Reaction! Enzymes work in different environments Different Temperature and pH
Lock & Key One enzyme for each reaction
Enzymes at Work Substrates (reactants) must FIT into the Active Site Which is the Enzyme Substrate Complex?
Enzymes Build & Digest Synthesis & Hydrolysis
Enzymes at Work Each specific Enzyme works best at an Optimal (Optimum) Temperature and pH!
Enzymes What does that have to do with laundry???
Enzymes are GOOD SPECIFIC enzymes can Build-up… Synthesize Other enzymes can Break-down… Hydrolyze Why would that be important in laundry detergent?
Enzymes & Temperature! Why are enzyme cleaners NOT EFFECTIVE in hot water? Hint: Think about which of the “BIG FOUR” organic molecules Enzymes belong to! Proteins What is the scientific word for what happens when enzymes are put in hot water? Denature!
How about other cleaners? Why do you think it’s better to use ENZYMES than man-made chemicals? Safer for the Environment!
Think about Septic Systems… Why is it very important to use NATURAL enzyme products in Septic Systems? Safer for the environment!
Enzymes Enzymes are NEVER used up or changed in a reaction Once the chemical reaction is complete, the enzyme goes off and finds another chemical reaction to work on! The only way to destroy an enzyme is to denature it! High Temp pH