YETS Dec 2017 – March 2018 LS2 2019 -2020 Experiments requirements / Services (un)availability F.Butin / EN-EA EACM meetings outcome, thanks to all participants.


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Presentation transcript:

YETS Dec 2017 – March 2018 LS2 2019 -2020 Experiments requirements / Services (un)availability F.Butin / EN-EA EACM meetings outcome, thanks to all participants !

Introduction / Executive summary Result of 4 months of discussions / meetings with experiments and equipment / service groups Aim is to confront requests / expectations of experiments with reality of service groups constraints (maintenance, consolidation) ISOLDE / HIE-ISOLDE / AWAKE treated by own coordination, see Edda’s and Richard’s slides nTOF, CLEAR etc are not (yet ?) included

YETS 2017-2018

AD experiments YETS 18 Dec – 6th March Electrical power needed all the time; additional power needed for ALPHA-G (no consequence on availability) – EN/EL: AUG tests 13 -14 th January 2018. Demineralized water needed as much as possible. Additional flow needed for ALPHA-G EN/CV: need to cut demineralized water 1 week (19-23 February, TBC), and primary water 1 week, (26th Feb – 1st March TBC). Cryogens needed at all time, including Xmas for BASE, as of March for Aegis TE/CRG: Stop deliveries 3 weeks (19 Feb – 9th March TBC, Alternatively 26 Feb- 16 March). TBC mid Sept. Future helium consumption of ALPHA-G to be assessed Access systems needed for GBAR only. BE/ICS needs to shut down system for 1 week for upgrade. Synchornized with CV stop (26th Feb – 1st March). 3 additional days shut down in early January.

North Area - GIF++ YETS 18 Dec – Mid April (+/- 1 week) Electrical power: needed at all time, stops are possible with 1 week notice; EN/EL: AUG tests, 20th February 2018 Demineralized water needed as much as possible. Closed loop possible, 1 week notice required. Demi water needed 4 weeks before restart. Heating required. EN/CV: Demineralized + chilled + raw water cut end Dec till few weeks before beam restart. Heating assured. Cryo needs: None Gas supply needed, OK with EN-EA RP: REMUS system needed. 1 day preventive maintenance per year Access control needed at all times. Short disruptions possible, dates to be agreed with BE-ICS

North Area - NA62 YETS 18 Dec – Mid April (+/- 1 week) Electrical power: needed at all time, stops are possible with 1 week notice; EN/EL: AUG tests, 21st February 2018 Demineralized water not required. Heating required. EN/CV: Demineralized + chilled + raw water cut end Dec till few weeks before beam restart. Heating confirmed. Cryo needs: lN2 for NA62 lKr calorimeter at all times. OK with TE/CRG. Access control needed at all times. Short disruptions possible, dates to be agreed with BE-ICS

North Area - COMPASS YETS 18 Dec – Mid April (+/- 1 week) Electrical power: needed at all time, stops are possible with 1 week notice; EN/EL: AUG tests, 21st February 2018. Demineralized water needed as much as possible. Closed loop possible. Demi water needed 4 weeks before restart. EN/CV: Demineralized + chilled + raw water cut end Dec till few weeks before beam restart. Cryo needs: Cold box re-commissionning planned with TE-CRG. No other needs. Access control not needed Gas supply needed at all time, availability ensured by EN-EA

North Area - NA61 YETS 18 Dec – Mid April (+/- 1 week) Electrical power: needed at all time, stops are possible with 1 week notice; EN/EL: AUG tests, 20th February 2018 Demineralized water not needed No Cryo needs Access control not needed Gas: N2 supply needed at all time, availability ensured (external dewar common to EHN1) Surveyors needed in June (1/2 day)

North Area – NP02 /04 YETS 18 Dec – Mid April (+/- 1 week) Electrical power: needed at all time, stops are possible with 1 week notice; EN/EL: AUG tests, 20th February 2018 Raw + Chilled water needed for electronics cooling(~24 kW) EN/CV: Demineralized + chilled + raw water cut end Dec till few weeks before beam restart. No Cryo needs Access control needed at all time. BE-ICS: Short disruptions possible, dates TBC Gas: lN2 supply needed at all time, availability ensured by supplier Many transports needed (crane availability TBC)

East area - CLOUD YETS 18 Dec – Mid April (+/- 1 week) No run with cosmics during YETS Electrical power: needed at all time, short stops possible with 1 week notice EN/EL: AUG tests 13-14th February 2018 Demineralized water needed not needed Cryo : no need Access control not needed Gas supply needed at all time, availability ensured by EN-EA

Conclusions YETS In general all needs can be covered, no conflict detected in AD / North area / East area. TBC: HIE-ISOLDE (see slides R. Catherall) / nTOF Only identified difficulty concerns North Area extention NP02/04: cooling water requested to be arranged, local solutions to be considered (closed loop ?)

LS2 2019-2020

AD experiments LS2 Mid Dec 2018 – March 2021 General situation: ASACUSA 2nd beam line install, BASE exp area enlargement, Aegis exp area removal, AD major consolidation, ELENA: Transfer Lines install (EL availability permitting) Electrical power needed all the time as much as possible; additional power needed for ASACUSA. Aegis new Exp Area to be installed. EN/EL : Short power cuts possible early 2019, will be announced in advance Cooling water needed as much as possible. Additional flow needed for ASACUSA EN/CV : Cooling towers refurbishment: cut demineralized water January - November 2019. Primary water remains available. Closed loop to be installed with raw water for experiments. Cryogens needed at all time, including Xmas for BASE TE/CRG : Compressors will run as in normal years, 3 weeks maintenance to be agreed. Impact of fixed lHe line installation on dewars distribution to be assessed (End of Sept) Access systems needed for GBAR only. BE/ICS does not plan major disruptions

North Area - GIF++ LS2 Mid Dec 2018 – March 2021 General situation: operation with own source, possible bunker enlargement Electrical power: needed at all time, 1 week stop for yearly maintenance. If bunker extention is approved and financed, 1 month stop anticipated EN/EL: AUG tests + possible 1 day stops, to be confirmed Demineralized water needed as much as possible. Closed loop possible, 1 week notice required. Heating required. EN/CV: Demineralized + chilled + raw water cut end Dec till few weeks before beam restart. Gas suplly needed, OK with EN-EA, apart from 2-3 weeks consolidation of gas barrack. Dates to be synchronized with bunker extention. RP: REMUS system needed. 1 day preventive maintenance per year. Cryo: No need. Access control needed at all times. Maintenance periods to be agreed with BE/ICS

North Area - NA62 LS2 Mid Dec 2018 – March 2021 General situation: as normal shutdown Electrical power: needed at all time, stops are possible with 1 week notice EN/EL: AUG tests (1 day stops each year). No other disruption planned Demineralized water not required. Heating required. EN/CV: Demineralized + chilled + raw water cut throughout LS2 Cryo needs: NA62 lKr calorimeter on at all times. OK with TE/CRG. Access control needed at all times. Major refurbishment planned with likely disruptions, dates TBC (BE-ICS), impact to be assessed (RP)

North Area - COMPASS LS2 Mid Dec 2018 – March 2021 General situation: As normal shutdown, all services requested as of mid 2020. Physics program not yet approved Electrical power: needed at all time, stops are possible with 1 week notice; EN/EL: AUG tests, 1 day stop (dates to be confirmed). No other disruption planned. Demi water needed as much as possible for detectors. Closed loop possible. Demi water for magnet needed as of mid 2020 EN/CV: Demineralized + chilled + raw water cut end Dec till few weeks before beam restart. Possible conflict with request. Cryo needs: Cold box maintenance planned with TE-CRG. No other needs. Access control not needed Gas supply needed at all time, availability ensured by EN-EA, except for 2 weeks refurbishment of gas barrack

North Area - NA61 LS2 Mid Dec 2018 – March 2021 General situation: Major upgrades planned. Physics program not yet approved. Electrical power: needed at all time, stops are possible with 1 week notice; EN/EL: AUG tests, 1 day stop each year, no other disruption planned Demineralized water : Possibly 20 kW needs chilled water end 2020 – early 2021, TBC EN/CV: Demineralized + chilled + raw water cut end Dec till few weeks before beam restart. Possible conflict with request. No Cryo needs Access control not needed Gas: N2 supply needed at all time, availability ensured (external dewar common to EHN1); Ar/CO2 may be needed for tests. Surveyors needed in June (1/2 day) Significant shielding block movements.

North Area - NP02 / 04 LS2 Mid Dec 2018 – March 2021 General situation: run full time with cosmics. Detectors full of lAr. Electrical power: needed at all time, short stops are possible with 1 week notice; EN/EL: AUG tests Raw + Chilled water needed (~24 kW) EN/CV: Demineralized + chilled + raw water cut end Dec till few weeks before beam restart. lN2 needed at all times. Assured by supplier. Access control needed at all time. BE-ICS: Short disruptions possible, dates to be agreed with BE-ICS Gas: No need

East Area - CLOUD LS2 Mid Dec 2018 – March 2021 General situation: run with cosmics end 2019, and end 2020. Electrical power: needed in 2019, short stops possible. Looking for reconnection possibilities for end 2020 run. EN/EL: AUG tests, 1 day stop in 2019. Blackout likely in 2020 during East Hall refurbishment. Demineralized water needed for cleaning (20 m3) and for humidification, EN-CV: no demi water available as of 2020. CV will study possibilities Cryo : no needs Access control not needed Gas supply needed at all time, ensured by supplier / EN-EA

Conclusions LS2 A few points identified as potentially problematic: Distribution of cryogens in AD during fixed lHe line installation to be detailed East Hall: CLOUD operation with cosmics: EL and CV availability not guaranteed NA62 access control during refurbishment: free access ? ->RP EHN1 extention NP02/04: cooling water requested throughout LS2. Local solution to be considered (closed loop ?) COMPASS and NA61 may need cooling water earlier than planned availability (if physics program approved)

AWAKE Run 1 Laser dump e- SPS protons 10m SMI Acceleration Proton beam RF gun p Proton diagnostics BTV,OTR, CTR e- spectrometer During LS2: Complimentary measurements for Run 1 required (intermittent periods). Laser and electron beam only + plasma cell and diagnostics main requirement: laser mode, electron beam mode need SPS access system (approved in PLAN) + standard infrastructure (CV, EL, …) Coordination with AWAKE and BE-ICS already ongoing. Note: preparation for Run 2 (not approved yet) not yet included in LS2 planning  will come… E. Gschwendtner, CERN

ISOLDE key activities during YETS   2018 Dec Jan Feb 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 Protons off Water Off consignation power supplies used target preparation target removal HT installation Feb Mar Apr   12 19 26 5 2 9 16 Frontend maintenance Water on Deconsignation power supplies cold check out period SEM grid tests (HRS) SEM grid tests (GPS) HT tests with p-beam (HRS only) protons on ISOLDE physics Class A ventilation maintenance

Constraints Need at least 1 month of cold check out with stable beam before taking protons Cannot start cold check out until water cooling is operational Not before 22nd February due to other priorities Consequently ISOLDE low energy physics can only start after Easter 2018

ISOLDE Key activities through LS2 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Bat J F M A S O N D   179 construction nanolab etude civil engineering connection to existing lab equipment MEDICIS operation LIEBE ? 170 60kV HT installation 1 power supply + modulator alignment beam lines in experimental hall preparation alignment ISOLDE operation with protons stable beam 838 Front End exchange GPS FE removal GPS modification GPS installation HRS removal HRS modification HRS installation Robot check out commission GPS and HRS

Comments Still awaiting information from different support groups for LS2 operation with stable beam/long-lived RIB (and MEDICIS operation) Operate from mid-November 2018 – end of year with imported sources (Ti-44 and Be-7) for which shifts have already been allocated. And stable beam Initial feedback from the INTC puts higher priority on starting up with stable beam as early as possible in 2020. Re-alignment of hall beam lines Two new target stations to commission New experimental set ups will be installed during LS2 Possible issues with MEDICIS operation and civil engineering work for nano-lab during 2018 Adjoining doors need to be condemned and shielded Little access for transport of materials in and out of Class A lab during 2018

Carburisation Calibration Hotte Presse Malaxeur Boite a gants Actinide pill production Nano +non-nano oxidation Non-actinide nano Ventilation units 7 6 3 Carburisation Calibration Hotte Presse Malaxeur Boite a gants Plan de travail 2 3 6 5 4 1 7