Mauryan and Gupta Empires
1. Who was the 1st empire in India Mauryan
A Group or Family who dominates and unifies a region or country. 2. What is an Empire? A Group or Family who dominates and unifies a region or country.
3. Who was the Mauryan Empire’s first Emperor? Chandragupta Maurya
4. What emperor built roads, hospital, rest stops for travelers, stupas, pillars with buddhist teachings scribed on them and dug wells? Asoka
5. What animal did the Mauryan’s train to aid them in war? War Elephants
6. Who was the 1st emperor of the gupta empire? Candra Gupta I
7. the Gupta empire chose ______ as their major religion. Hinduism
8. _____ was the 2nd eperor to take the throne in india. Candra Gupta II
9. Under his reign they created fine works of _____&________. Art & Literature
10. In the late 400’s the gupta regime was invaded by what group from central asia? Huns