Chapter 7 Day 1 Quote: “It does not take a majority to prevail Chapter 7 Day 1 Quote: “It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” - Samuel Adams Objective: Describe the events leading up to the American Revolution State Standards: Strand 1 Concept 4 PO 1
The Stamp Tax Uproar War debt Sugar Act (1764) Quartering Act (1765) Stamp Act (1765) Admiralty Courts Representation?
Forced Repeal the Stamp Act Stamp Act Congress Sons/Daughters of Liberty Declaration of Rights and Grievances Declatory Act (1766)
The Townshend Tea Tax and the Boston “Massacre” Townshend Acts Boston Massacre
The Seditious Committees of Correspondence Lord North Committees of Correspondence
Tea Brewing in Boston British East India Company Tea Act Boston Tea Party