International Baccalaureate ® Economics (SL) Mr. Rich Blanc Room T10
How to get in touch with Mr. Blanc Office Hours I am available before school in room T10 daily at 7:15 am or after school in room T10 daily from 2:05 to 2:30 PM. Please have students come see me if they need help. I am also available by appointment. E-mail If you want to email the instructor please do so at: Every attempt will be made to respond as soon as possible. Voice Mail It is possible to reach the instructor by voice mail by calling the school at (949) 766- 6000 extension #4002. Voice mail is usually checked every day. The best way to get in touch with me is email. Grades My grade book will be posted to for parents and students to examine.
Course Description This course is designed as a traditional first year college level course. The intent of the course is to prepare the students to achieve success on the IB Economics (SL) exam in May. Students will also be prepared to achieve success on the AP Macroeconomics exam in May. It is a one year course. The students will have an American Government component as part of the year-long course.
Resources E-Textbook – McConnell and Brue, Economics: AP Edition (20th edition) Learning Portal - (Mr. Rich Blanc) I have provided all my PowerPoint notes, syllabus, homework assignments, class handouts & resources, useful class web links, and study guides in Learning Portal under the class title, “Economics SL IB”. I will be adding to these as the year goes on.
Grading A+ = 98.5, A = 91.5, A- = 89.5 B+ = 87.5, B = 81.5, B- = 79.5 C+ = 77.5, C = 71.5, C- = 69.5 D+ = 67.5, D = 61.5, D- = 59.5 Weights on assignments are: FALL SEMESTER SPRING SEMESTER 40% Tests\Quizzes 32% 16% Homework 16% 16%* Commentary Essays 16%* 8%* Class Participation\MUN 8%* American Government Project 4% Group PowerPoint Project 4% 20% Final Exam 20% **MUN students are reversed percentages on these two categories.
Low Grades on Unit Tests Any student who earns a grade of “D” or “F” on a unit test may come in during my office hours to make up the parts of the test they missed. Students who do so can earn up to a 10% increase on their test score (with a maximum possible test score of 70%)
AP Macroeconomics Exam Santa Margarita Catholic High School gives the option to all IB Economics (SL) students to sit for the AP Exam in May. 66% Multiple Choice (60 questions) 33% Free Response (3 questions) - Basic Economic Concepts 8-12% - Measuring Economic Performance 12-16% - Nat’l Income & Price Determination 10-15% - Financial Sector 15-20% - Macroeconomic Policies, Inflation & Unemployment 20-30% - Economic Growth & Productivity 5-10% - Open Economy: International Trade & Finance 10-15%
IB Economics (SL) Exam Santa Margarita Catholic High School requires all students in this class to sit for the IB Exam in May. 40% Paper 1 – Extended Response Exam (answer 1 out of 2 questions from Unit 2 topics and answer 1 out of 2 questions from Unit 3 topics) 40% Paper 2 – Data Response Exam (answer 1 out of 2 questions from Unit 4 topics and answer 1 out of 2 questions from Unit 5 topics) 20% Internal Assessment (Commentary Paper Portfolio) - Unit 1 Basic Economic Concepts - Unit 2 Microeconomics - Unit 3 Macroeconomics - Unit 4 International Economics - Unit 5 Developmental Economics
AP/IB Economics in Action The More, The Merrier
AP/IB Economics in Action Tinker Toy Scarcity Exercise
AP/IB Economics in Action Supply and Demand Graphs
AP/IB Economics in Action In The Chips Market Simulation
AP/IB Economics in Action Global Trade Theory Simulation
AP/IB Economics in Action Economic Analysis Research