Your Asset Management Solution Municipal DataWorks Your Asset Management Solution
Outline OGRA Introduction What is Asset Management Municipal Asset Management Planning What is Municipal DataWorks Municipal DataWorks demo
OGRA Facts Established 1894 120 years old Education Program 1901
OGRA Represents We Represent: 428 of Ontario’s 444 municipalities 24 First Nations 244 Corporate Members
Our Mandate Represent the infrastructure interests of Ontario municipalities through advocacy, consultation, training and the delivery of identified services.
Business Objectives To advocate for sustainable funding for municipal infrastructure. To advocate the collective interests of our members through policy analysis, legislative review and consultation. To provide affordable and accessible education and training services. To promote leadership with regard to infrastructure asset management. To deliver services that meet the needs of our members
Education More courses than any other municipal association in Canada Approximately 3000 trainees every year 60 core courses + approx four T² each year MDW training
Member Services
Technical Services
Why did OGRA build it? Lots of “estimates” on the infrastructure deficit there is a need to improve the decision making process for all levels of government Municipalities need to plan for future asset renewal and replacement, however a large number of our members can not afford expensive capital planning tools Asset management requires software that will interoperate and share data on all asset types Many municipalities use multiple databases for infrastructure assets where the inter-dependency of one asset type with another asset type cannot be established
A Province Wide Database MDW also supports OGRA’s advocacy efforts Municipal Bridge Summary 80+% participation
OGRA Benefits
Municipal Benefits Infrastructure data in a single location and available corporation wide Data ownership Document Lifecycle Events Amortize Capital Expenditures Forecast the renewal actions Report on the outcomes
What is MDW? A data warehouse for Ontario’s municipal infrastructure Data Standard using MIDS 3 An open non-proprietary database A web-based application An “asset management tool” Provides reports for advocacy
MDW – Data Standards A database standard describes the relationship between the various components of an asset and provides for consistent inputs and outputs OGRA’s Municipal Infrastructure Data Standard is such a standard
MDW – Capital Plan MDW includes a data standard which: Defines the attribute; and Sets the accuracy for measurement of geometric attributes
MDW – Key Features Defining the Standard for Asset Management Lifecycle TCA Valuation Capital Forecast Inventory Condition
Flexible and customizable MDW – Key Features Inventory Over 120 asset types Flexible and customizable Bulk loading tools
Inventory Module Data Conversion Tool Bulk load data from excel spreadsheet
MDW – Key Features Condition Built-in Road (PCI) and Bridge (BCI) condition rating tools OSIM inspection for structures Open to external systems
Full history of asset events MDW – Key Features Lifecycle Full history of asset events Record costs Attach documents
MDW – Key Features PSAB 3150 compliant Distributed data management TCA Valuation PSAB 3150 compliant Distributed data management Annual refresh made easy
MDW – Key Features Predict future renewal needs Calculate costs Capital Forecast Predict future renewal needs Calculate costs Build plans from selected projects
Brian Anderson MDW Customer Support Ontario Good Roads Association (519) 674-3360