Student Name : 1-Mahmood Al Gohrbiya 2-Noor Asmar Najah Exchange Book Student Name : 1-Mahmood Al Gohrbiya 2-Noor Asmar
Introduction This graduation project aims to build an application facilitates the process of exchanging books between different students in the university.
Target group The target group of this project is the students. It helps students to request books from each others through special app from the Android and the web. Besides, It provides the ability to communicate through posting comments to agree on the location from which a book can be obtained.
Challenges The only challenge we face, is to use students to Facebook to request books, we have seen several problems facing students such as the application to be on a specific set only, the possibility of zero responses by students and be agreed by comment.
What are the advantages of our project ? 1)when book added will seen from all student in same department 2) Easy to access the book from GPS used. 3)Save money
Continued.. 4) The arrival of a notice to the students, whether notices by students who made a comment or notice by students who requested books or books available 5) Possibility to comment if GPS is not working. 6) The possibility of using Google Drive for electronic files to read them or download PDF files
How Work.. 1-each user Signup by android app or web site in this program. 2-user must log in in system. 3-the system should be show every book in every department with main screen ,and you can user search in book needed. 3-you can add book {available or required } ,When add this book The android or website send notification for every user in same department from user added the book, case or maybe some user have a book and you can help this user.
Sigh Up From Web : Android :
Screen Shot From Project Log in pages From Web :
Home Android:
From Android :
Contend… 4-if user found this book you can clicked on and you can comment in this book ,after comment ,send notification to owner book user comment in your book ,and you can reply this comment and send another notification to user request. 5-user you can show all book who post and you can delete this book. 6-user you can change password. 7-user you can entered to pdf book page from android or website ,and show the department and plan such zajel ,and you can read any book Online without downloaded ,this site contain book ,slide, exams ..etc.
Forget Pass: From Web : android:
Add Book From Web: Android:
PDF Book From Web: