Making Friends Online Mike & Emma
Emma chats to Mike...
Emma introduces herself to Mike...
Emma wants to get to know Mike... Hi! My name is Emma, I saw your profile on fb. I’m 18, how old ru? Hi Emma, nice to meet you u! I’m 18 too. Nice to meet you Mike!! I’ve sent you my pic! It’s really warm outside I can’t wait for summer – are you going on holiday this year? I think I know you, do you go to the same college as me? I go to West Lothian College so maybe you have seen me around there! Cool! So where do you live? What music do you listen to? Tell me everything lol x
Emma sends Mike her picture...
Mike likes Emma’s picture Nice pic! I live in Livingston and moved here for college. I like football and rugby. I listen to rock music and really like action films. I play a lot of video games too. That’s really weird! I like those things too!! We have loads In common. Will you be my friend? Yeah! It’s awesome that we like the same things. I love making Friends!!!
Emma wants to be Mikes Friend
Mike adds Emma as a friend...
The Real Emma
It’s Easy to Become Someone Else... Search for pictures for a profile...
And it’s easy to find out about where somebody lives……
And about their interests……
So they can make up a life...
What do you think? How could Mike have kept himself healthy in this situation? Did you notice any warning signs about Emma? How could we stop this happening to us?
Remember... Unless you know the person properly they could be anyone They could be from anywhere And they could want to be your friend for many unhealthy reasons