Christopher Reeve Christopher Reeve was an actor . He was born in september 25, 1952 and he died in october 10, 2004. Reever and Dana Morosini, his wife, had two children (Matthew and Alexandra).
Since his childhood he liked to stage, and in his adolescence he startted his actor carrer. But he became famous when interpreting Superman's paper.
In May 1995 Christopher Reeve suffered a horse accident, being completely immobile of the neck down. In spite of struggling against his deficiency, he still helped patient all over the world with the same problem" type.
He wrote two books, “Still Me – Memoreis” and “Nothing is impossible” He wrote two books, “Still Me – Memoreis” and “Nothing is impossible”. Also he founded Foundation Christopher Reeve for the Paralysis, in 1999.
• After his accident, Reeve made campaign for the research with cell-trunk and he was also activist of Unicef.
• On October 10, 2004, due to a cardiac arrest, Crhistopher Reeve the unforgettable Superman’s died when he was 52 years in a hospital on New York. • Leaving an example of the Perceverence and Corage.