Curriculum Leader: Miss Mangat Science Curriculum Leader: Miss Mangat
Successful year for science 59% A*-C in Science Core 72% A*- C in Additional Science 100% A*-C in Biology, Chemistry and Physics
What year 7s will study in science Working Scientifically Build on key skills in science Practical, data, investigative, group work and analysis
What is covered in science KS3 follows the Activate scheme of work National curriculum Topics that are covered: Biology, Chemistry Physics Practical focus 6 lessons a fortnight in a science laboratory
Assessments in Science Baseline assessments and CATs Assessments throughout the term after 3 topics Continuous reviewing of sets Targeted Intervention
What can you do at home to help BBC Bitesize Revision guides (CGP) School website for literacy tips UHS Science homework: End of chapter exam questions, spelling tests, literacy and data handling skills.
What can you do at home to help Homework is complete Use to revisit the topic Equipment they need for science
Going beyond the curriculum KS3 homework club Science club CSI Brunel Genetic Engineering project Brunel Science week CERN, Geneva University Professors