The Tragic Ways of The Holocaust Germany’s hatred for the Jewish people, The cruel reality of the holocaust. The survivors and the innocent ones that have died for no cause at all.
CONCENTRATION CAMPS People who were killed at concentration camps where just thrown where ever they wanted to put them
The people sleep in these bunks where they would put from up to 3 people. Cruel how they did not feed them and stacked them up like dogs and watch them rot
In Buchenwald the concentration camps were filled with millions of innocent people who were put there to burn in these Crematoria Ovens.
General Eisenhower inspects prisoner corpses at the concentration camp. Some Jewish people were even killed for no reason during the inspection.
A Concentration camp built with a maximum capacity of 35,000 inmates.
People waving to the camera at a Nazi concentration camp.
PRISONERS OF THE HOLOCAUST These prisoners are in bad shape but they are still smiling. This goes to show that even though they’re suffering they might as well have a little fun before they die.
These men are inmates during the holocaust These men are inmates during the holocaust. It seems like there lined up for something but I cant really see for what.
Dead People These are the jewish prisoners that were all killed and thrown into a big pile.
Women This is the Everett Collection Female prisoners at Auschwitz concentration Camp. I see like 3 women in one bunk I could image how little space they have.
Prisoners About 1.1million prisoners were executed by the nazi’s at Auschwitz.
In this picture the SS man is firing at a Jewish women who is wounded and is trying to get up
The Nazis thought killing the kids of “unwanted” or “dangerous” groups of people. They killed over 1.5 million Jewish kids
Children, usually over age 12, Were used as laborers and as subjects of medical experiments.
Some children were killed immediately after birth or in institutions.
some children had to endure physical or sexual abuse by their “protectors”. Research has it that 15% were treated right and 5% were abused.
Organized rescue groups frequently moved children around and kept records in code to prevent their charges’ discovery. In some rescue networks, parents were not permitted to contact their children or know their whereabouts.
Children were kept in cellars and attics, where they had to keep quiet, even motionless, for hours on end. In rural areas, hidden children lived in barns, chicken coops, and forest huts.
Survivors of the holocaust.
They were fed once or twice a week has a result they became weak very small has you can see
as you can see they had nothing left but their bones.
Place of Birth: Vilnius, Lithuania Date of Birth: May 27, 1917 Life During Wartime: Soldier and Prisoner of War Current Occupation: Salesman Family: Married, One Son
That’s what was left out of thousands of Jewish people that were in the camps.