Cell Wall: outer layer that protects plant cell Animal Cell
Nucleus: controls all cell activities. Contains DNA. Plant Cell Animal Cell
Mitochondria: releases energy stored in food. Plant Cell Animal Cell
Ribosomes: make proteins Plant Cell Animal Cell
Golgi Bodies: processes and packages proteins. Plant Cell Animal Cell
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): transports proteins around the cell Plant Cell Animal Cell
Vesicles: small sacs that move material around the cell.
Lysosomes: breaks down food molecules and old cell parts Plant Cell Animal Cell
Vacuoles: stores water, waste, food Plant Cell Animal Cell
Cytoplasm: jelly-like material inside the cell. Supports the organelles. Plant Cell Animal Cell
Cell Membrane: protects and supports cell Cell Membrane: protects and supports cell. Controls movement of material in and out of cell. Plant Cell Animal Cell
Chloroplast: uses sunlight to make food for plant. Plant Cell Animal Cell