Social contexts of gender role Social influences on gender
Learning objectives Understand how reinforcement from parents and peers may influence gendered behaviours. Explain how observational learning from role models is important in development of gender. Be able to describe how experiences at school might reinforce gendered behaviours.
The behavioural approach Gender behaviour is learned Operant conditioning and social learning The approach assumes no direct relationship between biological sex and gender. Cultural differences are explained by this approach.
Parents and peers Parents and peers may reinforce gender-related behaviour. Positive consequences and compliments lead to repetition of the behaviour.
Both peers and parents reinforce gender role e. g Both peers and parents reinforce gender role e.g. toys children play with. Harris and Durkin (1995) argue that peers are more important than parents
The role of observational learning Role models may be Parents Older siblings Friends TV characters Sporting personalities Celebrities
SOCIAL COGNITIVE LEARNING THEORY Observation Attention to role model (highly selective) Stored mental representation Self-efficacy Motivation Future expectations Vicarious reinforcement
Parents as models Fagot et al. (1992) Compared egalitarian and traditional families Children from traditional families used gender labels earlier and Used stereotypes for gender roles.
TV AND MAGAZINES Content analysis shows that females are portrayed differently from males.
THE IMPACT OF SCHOOLS Schools enforce typical gender roles. Teachers of certain subjects tend to be of a particular gender, e.g. science – males, humanities – females. Boys are praised differently for their work.