Evolution of Air Pollution Monitoring in Ottawa


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Presentation transcript:

Evolution of Air Pollution Monitoring in Ottawa Natty Urquizo and Martha Robinson Environmental Sustainability & Public Health City of Ottawa Hamilton February 2012

Reasons for Air Quality Monitoring Although Ottawa has good air, OMA (2008) estimates over 500/yr premature deaths Windsor – Quebec City Corridor is the most polluted in the country There was a single NAPS for 2,700 km2 up to 2007 Measuring is essential for air pollution management

Pilot Project Overview Map pollution concentration spatially hour by hour to identify patterns (“hot spots”) One full year of monitoring (Jul’07-Jun’08) six major pollutants: Nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2, NOx) Ground Level ozone Carbon Monoxide Particulate Matter 2.5 Three months of integrating satellite data and ground monitoring stations

Pilot Project Partners GeoConnections - NRCan, main sponsor Transport Canada Environment Canada Ontario Ministry of the Environment Ottawa International Airport Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs – Quebec

Ground Level Monitoring Locations

Validation One road side monitor Mobile labs in 8 sites across the city One road side monitor

Transportation Impact on NO2 Percentage of time when NO2 above 50 ppb Standard: EU 79 ppb/hr US 100 ppb/hr CAN 200 ppb/hr NO2 > 50ppb 2007-12-10 - 2007-12-12

Maximum PM2.5 Standard 30 µg/m3 NO safe level Local source

September 14th 2007 Episode Montreal Influence The impact of transboundary pollution due to a high pressure system Gradient shown by satellite data Effects of precipitation

Added Value of satellite data NO2 Ground Level (NAPS) NO2 OMI/Aura + NAPS + model

AQHI using satellite data Air Quality Health Index

What do Single Pollutant Maps Mean? Needed a health connection

Health Assessment Model Translate Air Quality maps from the pilot project (2008) into meaningful health impacts (morbidity, mortality and $$$) Use Air Quality Benefits Assessment Tool (AQBAT) Obtain a tool for health impact assessments of changing traffic flows

Health Endpoint Report Dates: 10 Mar 08 to 14 Mar 08 Endpoint Cases Valuation ($) Acute Exposure Mortality 0.01 65000 Acute Respiratory Symptom Days 190 3100 Asthma Symptom Days 18 1200 Minor Restricted Activity Days 38 1100 Respiratory Emergency Room Visits 0.08 220 Respiratory Hospital Admissions 0.02 110 Adult Chronic Bronchitis 0.01 3200 Cardiac Emergency Room Visits 0 4.1 Cardiac Hospital Admissions 0 3.7 Child Acute Bronchitis Episodes 0.03 13 Chronic Exposure Mortality 0.01 40000 Restricted Activity Days 9.8 600 Elderly Cardiac Hospital Admissions 0 13 Total Valuation $110,000

Immediate or possible uses of the Health Assessment model Assess Health Impacts of OC-Transpo Depot Expansion Community demanded monitoring Challenges using roadside monitors make this tool ideal Assess Health impacts of areas with over 10,000 car/day

3-D street level modeling Six blocks of Albert Street were modelled and validated using two road side monitors Measurements were at: 7 m above road 45 m above road

Findings Pollution at sidewalk level are 90% higher than the one reported by MOE Demonstrates the canyon effect of high density buildings USES Demonstrates the value of a step back approach in designing high buildings Useful for urban design

Climate Change & Air Quality Forecast

Forecasting PM2.5

Need to incorporate traffic in Air Quality Forecasting

Roadside monitoring

Proximity to main Roads Facility Type Percentage of Records within 50 m 100 m 250 m 500 m Schools 22.02 31.19 54.13 80.73 Old age homes 50.91 60.00 74.55 92.73 Day cares 53.66 63.41 80.49 87.80 Active Recreation 19.39 26.38 53.33 75.87 Active Rec on schools 18.04 29.11 50.63 75.95 TOTAL 22.55 30.93 55.03 78.23

Possible Partners for Municipalities Ontario Ministry of the Environment (LRT) Health Canada (UHI) Public Health Agency of Canada (CC & AQ, UHI) Environment Canada (AQHI) Board of Education (School curriculum) Other Municipalities (Roundabouts) USEPA (vegetation), local universities Current Partners: HC (Airpointers)Public Health, Transportation Planners, Fire Services, Community planning & design, Traffic Operations, Public works, etc.

Conclusion Developed meaningful tools for air quality management Continue working on AQ monitoring using both satellite and roadside data Looking for partners to do research projects i.e. Roundabouts, vegetation Ultimate aim is to develop policies