CERN communications strategy 2017-2020 Putting it in practice Ana Godinho 04.05.2017 21st EPPCN Meeting CERN
Six overarching key messages CERN is a world leader in particle physics. The discovery of the Higgs boson opens the door into new physics, on a journey of discovery that will extend for decades. To continue this journey of discovery we need new accelerators, detectors and computing capacity CERN brings benefits to society CERN is an open institution Peaceful collaboration and diversity are intrinsic to CERN 1. CERN is a world leader in particle physics. (Encompassing theoretical and experimental research, engineering and computin.g) 2. The discovery of the Higgs boson opens the door into new physics, on a journey of discovery that will extend for decades. 3. To continue this journey of discovery we need new accelerators, detectors and computing capacity. (To build them we need to push the technology.) 4. CERN brings benefits to society. (CERN contributes to the human endeavour of acquiring knowledge, it has a strong positive impact on training future scientists and engineers, on driving innovation, on transferring knowledge and technology to society and industry, and on engaging citizens in the achievements of fundamental research.) 5. CERN is an open institution. (CERN’s scientific results are available in open access and CERN is committed to open innovation. CERN is open to citizens, open to the arts, humanities and other expressions of culture.) 6. Peaceful collaboration and diversity are intrinsic to CERN. (People from different nationalities, cultures, backgrounds and with different expertise collaborate peacefully, on an equal footing.)
The impact brochure Impact
Press releases and updates Science – telling stories 2017 Global media coverage Number of press cuttings – CERN, LHC and related keywords Press releases and updates CMS Open Heart Surgery Tm Berners-Lee ACM A.M. Turing Award BASE / Antimatter LHCb 5 particles SESAME LHCb SM deviations SCOAP3 1 January – 30 April 2017
Outreach event 2017 Impact 25 m 40 m CERN: Accelerators, Detectors, Computing Science From CERN technologies to benefits for society Peaceful collaboration and diversity My neighbour CERN Dialogue, entertainment and fun
The journey of discovery #WhatsUpLHC
Sharing stories The journey of discovery FollowFriday – Italy, Portugal, France, Germany, UK, Finalnd, The Netherlands
CERN ”VIP” presentation Reaching policy-makers Welcome to Accelerating Science and Innovation CERN ”VIP” presentation