Year 3 Maths Week 12
Starter LO: To order 3 digit numbers. 601 624 541 847 104
Starter LO: To double numbers. 22 34 48
7 10 LO: To subtract a 2d number from a 2 digit number by counting up. abacus subtraction counting on Draw a numberline and start with the smallest number. Jump to the nearest 10. Jump on to the final number. Add together the jumps you have taken. 7 10
LO: To subtract a 2d number from a 2 digit number by counting up. Draw a numberline to solve the following: 64 – 35 = 54 – 38 = 89 – 65 = 93 – 87 = 43 – 14 = 23 – 11 = 76 – 45= 84 – 34=