“Scientists in Action” Webcast at the MSL Launch Event A four-day live audience/webcast event was conducted at the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) launch. Hosted by Dr. Steven W. Lee, Space Sciences Department Chair at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science (DMNS), the “Scientists in Action” webcast was a collaboration of NASA’s Planetary Science, the National Institute of Aerospace, and the DMNS . The event was well attended, both at the KSC Visitor Centers Mission Status Center and remotely at the DMNS and at the Virginia Air and Space Center, and on-line with museums and science centers around the US, including the Adler Planetarium (IL), the Alpha Park Library System (IL), the Calusa Nature Center and Planetarium (FL), the Montshire Museum of Science (VT), the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, Sci-Port Louisiana, the Northern Virginia Home Educators group, and schools in Hampton, VA, and Bartonville, IL. Participating interviewees included James L. Green (Director of NASA’s Planetary Science Division), former International Space Station commander Col. Douglas “Wheels” Wheelock, and a variety of MSL-linked scientists, engineers, educators, and administrators. An archived version of presentations can be found at: http://www.livestream.com/marsrover Webcast statistics: 83,441 total viewer minutes over the four-day program 17,638 unique streams Audience in 120 different countries Peak day: Friday (11/25); 6,583 unique viewers December 14, 2011