How to Color and Label your Periodic Table
Label column numbers 1-18
Write in information that serves as a key or legend 1. Triangles to indicate: solid, liquid or gas 2. Circle to indicate element is unstable/synthetic 3. Parentheses ( ) to indicate element is radioactive 4. Divided box to indicate state of matter and family
Write in information that serves as a key or legend 5. Triangles to indicate family: alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals, metalloids, halogens, noble gases and rare earth metals
Write in information that serves as a key or legend 6. Circle the atomic numbers of the following elements to show they are unstable/synthetic: 61, 93-118
Darken the step-like border between metals and nonmetals and label as metals to the left and nonmetals to the right of the “staircase”
Choose colors for each state of matter and color the “top triangles”: No color for solids Light blue for liquids Dark green for gases
Choose colors for each family and color the corresponding triangles: Red for Alkali Metals Brown for Alkaline Earth Metals
Choose colors for each family and color the corresponding triangles: Pink for Transition Metals Yellow for Metalloids
Choose colors for each family and color the corresponding triangles: Orange for Halogens Purple for Noble Gases
Choose colors for each family and color the corresponding triangles: Light green for Rare Earth Metals
Label the families not already included: Boron family, Carbon family, Nitrogen family and Oxygen family
The Final Product!