Gorillas have hearts, technology hasn’t! Project „Gorilla” Gorillas have hearts, technology hasn’t!
Content Who we are? Why are we here? Environmental problems & Sustainable Development Congo What is coltan? Coltan makes social problems Gorillas in danger (not only gorillas) What is coltan used for? What we can do? Some solutions: Re-cycling & Re-marketing Process flow - Recycling Quiz
We are! students of a school exchange between Polish and German students.
DPJW / PNWM has been existing for 20 years promotes academic and extracurricular youth exchanges between Poland and Germany students from Germany & Poland attend the exchange programme
DPJW / PNWM Our project has been chosen as one of the 20 finalists The award ceremony will take place in Berlin in January 2013 Conducting youth meetings on the theme "Sustainable Development"
Why we are here? We want: to draw attention to these abuses. Not only adults but also young people who should support this project particularly in Germany and Poland To show that everyone can do something about it
Environmental problems & Sustainable Development cutting down rain forests and building roads to transport coltan from mines gorillas are dying, because coltan mines are destroying their natural habitats and rain forests gorillas infected with Ebola virus from humans are dying
Environmental problems & Sustainable Development people in Kongo, working in coltan mines suffer from poverty and hunger, so they try to survive by killing gorillas and eating their meat timber from rain forests is illegally sold
Environmental problems & Sustainable Development What is sustainable development? Sustainable development is defined in many ways: Environmental, economic and social well- being for today and tomorrow. When you think of the world as a system over space, you grow to understand that air pollution from North America affects air quality in Asia, and that pesticides sprayed in Argentina could harm fish stocks off the coast of Australia.
Congo Population: about 72 million 31.3 inhabitants per km ² 2.344.858 square kilometers
Coltan causes social problems The demand for cell phones and computer chips is helping fuel a bloody civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo. There is a direct link between human rights abuses and the exploitation of resources in areas in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Gorillas in danger! Not only gorillas! Inhuman conditions in the mine. Heat usually above 40 degrees in the mines. Even child labour.
What is Coltan used for? Coltan is the name of a metallic ore called “columbite-tantalite”. Two key minerals can be extracted from Coltan. These minerals are niobium and tantalum. Tantalum is used in the production of many types of consumer electronics ranging from cell phones, dvd players, computers and even the Sony Playstation.
What we can do? There is very little the "man on the street" can do to prevent Coltan exploitation as it is not a "visible" component of cellphones that can be differentiated when shopping. But continuing pressure on circuit board manufacturers has lead to many demands that their Coltan supplies only come from legitimate sources.
Process Flow - Recycling Collection of mobile phones logistics Detection of the devices Separate battery / device Recycling Collection boxes will be made available Free Shipping Partners collects cell phones Appliances are covered by the IMEI The recycling equipment is disconnected from the battery unit Together with a certified recycling company
What mineral is needed to produce mobile phones? coltan gold silicium carbon
What mineral is needed to produce mobile phones? coltan gold silicium carbon
What is the capital of Congo? Berlin Warsaw Kinshasa Kapstadt
What is the capital of Congo? Berlin Warsaw Kinshasa Kapstadt
What happens with the environment when people extract coltan? Coltan is toxic for the earth so it is good to extract it. environment is destroyed by people. environment doesn’t change. water is polluted with coltan.
What happens with the environment when people extract coltan? Coltan is toxic for the earth so it is good to extract it. environment is destroyed by people. environment doesn’t change. water is polluted with coltan.
Which company doesn’t need coltan? Apple Nokia Samsung Bayer
Which company doesn’t need coltan? Apple Nokia Samsung Bayer
In which part of Africa is the Congo located ? East Africa North Africa Middle Africa West Africa
In which part of Africa is the Congo located? East Africa North Africa Middle Africa West Africa
What is the task of Sustainable Development? Environment, Social and Economy Economy, Education and Environment Education, Environment and Society Environment and economy
What is the task of Sustainable Development? Environment, Social and Economy Economy, Education and Environment Education, Environment and Society Environment and economy
What is the connection between gorillas and coltan? Gorillas eat Coltan Coltan is located near gorilla’s natural habitat Gorillas drink Coltan There is no connection between gorillas and Coltan
What is the connection between gorillas and coltan? Gorillas eat Coltan Coltan is located near gorilla’s natural habitat Gorillas drink Coltan There is no connection between gorillas and Coltan
How old are the people when they start working in the mines? 18 21 8 16
How old are the people when they start working in the mines? 18 21 8 16
In which city is the zoo that is connected with a project to help animals? Frankfurt Cologne Berlin Munich
In which city is the zoo that is connected with a project to help animals? Frankfurt Cologne Berlin Munich
Where is coltan not mined anymore? South America North America Europe Australia
Where is coltan not mined anymore? South America North America Europe Australia