I think being old will be…. Stereotypes of the elderly
Goal: To evaluate the best care options for the elderly. Caring for the elderly Aim: To investigate problems faced by the elderly and who should care for them Goal: To evaluate the best care options for the elderly.
Key terms The Generation Gap: the difference in ideas and perceptions between people of different ages/generations Ageism: Prejudice and discrimination towards the elderly
What problems do the elderly face?
Key issues Think, pair, Square! People are living longer due to medical advances. 1 in 5 people in the UK are over 65. Caring for those who can’t care for themselves is becoming more important. What problems can you see with this? Think, pair, Square! What quality idea has your group decided on? Record the class ideas in a bubble diagram.
Who should care for the elderly?
Whose responsibility is it? Government- They should help people because we pay taxes all our lives so we should get money back when we need it. Charities- Charities should care for those who Need help because they have no one else. Religion- All religions teach they should help people in need because all religions focus on doing good deeds (‘love thy neighbour’) Family- Our parents brought us up and cared for us and therefore we should help them as they helped us.
Care Options for the Elderly Whilst some elderly people are able to take care of themselves for their whole lives, some may need help in looking after themselves. This care can be provided in a number of different ways. Can you identify the 5 main options from the pictures?
Care options for the elderly Living with family Care home Residential home http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2012/apr/23/hidden-footage-elderly-abuse-bbc-documentary Living at home Sheltered accommodation
Carousel Task In groups you will be given one of these care options to investigate. You will become experts in this area. Use the information you will be given to summarise what your care option is. Underneath you then must come up with the positives and negatives of each option and bullet point them in the second box. Make sure you have all the key facts noted down, ready to teach your new group!
Living at home Many elderly people are independent and can live on their own at home, with support from others e.g social workers, family members, neighbours, charities. They may also pay someone to come in for a small cost and help with housework for a small cost. They also may have meals delivered by a service such as ‘meals on wheels’ for a small cost. Family may visit if they live close by. If not, the elderly may rely on phone calls and neighbours to visit them.
Living with family Many families prefer to have elderly members live with them. This idea of extended families is favoured by Muslims and Christians. The reason for this is because the elderly person is considered as an important person in the family, not because they have no other option. Religion often teaches families to do this out of gratitude, respecy and recognition of the wisdom they have and the care they have provided over the years. However, some religious people would say to show respect, you should do what is most appropriate for your family member. In some situations this may mean going to a home.
Sheltered Housing Some elderly people move into sheltered housing with a warden so they have someone for reassurance and help if needed. They would rent a small flat within a complex of similar flats and a communal area for socialising. The flats are adapted to help residents keep some independence and privacy in a place they call their own. There is also a warden on duty who can help out in an emergency.
Residential Homes Residential homes provide security and care when people are no longer able to look after themselves. They are ideal when people can no longer look after themselves. Residents have their own room but they also have communal facilities such as a lounge and a dining room. All meals are prepared for them and social activities are often arranged so that they can partake in social time.
Care Homes/ Hospitals/ Hospices Elderly people who are unwell may move into a care home, hospital for short term treatment, where they have access to medical care if needed. If an elderly person is close to death, they may spend their final days or weeks in a hospice. This is a place where specific medical care is given to those people who are terminally ill and close to death.
Key Info Positives Negatives
Positives Independent Social workers come in to help Allows family to perform their duty. The importance of the individual to the family is remembered. Adapted which make them easy to use, often with gov. funding A warden means 24/7 assistance They keep some independence Own room for privacy Social area for having community time with friends Specialist medical care is given Negatives They may be vulnerable/ lonely This may have an extreme impact it has on the existing family- egs? Cost and time commitments Impersonal, low quality environment that is not stimulating yet often expensive. Expensive and remove independence, old people see very little of their families and no longer play an active role (wisdom etc). May not be ‘honouring your father and mother’ , ‘love thy neighbour’ or ‘be kind to your parents’. Easy way out for familes who do not want to fulfil their duties. Abuse of elderly sometimes takes place.
Religious View on these options Can you sort the captions under the correct headings? Christianity Islam
Religious View on these options Christianity Islam No set view Prefer to allow the elderly to keep their independence if that is their wish. (‘love your neighbour’) Sometimes this is not always possible and then what is best for the person involved should be considered. For example you should not send the elderly to a sheltered, residential or care home against their will If specialist care is needed, a care home is the best place to send them. This could be seen as ‘honouring your father and mother’ keeping the elderly at home with their family is more loving and allows for more spiritual growth The extended family has a role to play in caring for the elderly. Care home etc mean that a Muslim has refused their duty/ responsibility to care. Muslims are taught that ‘The Lord has decreed that you be kind to your parents’ and that the best way to do this is by caring for them themselves. A care home etc will not allow for spiritual growth and so the family remains the best place. Sending elderly parents to a home is seen as unkind. Cut these up as captions and ask students to sort them into columns
Exam Alert Explain the options available to the elderly who cannot care for themselves. (6 marks AO1)
Plenary debate ‘The elderly do not deserve to be respected just because they are old.’ What do you think?