AP EURO Unit #1 – Renaissance and Reformation Lesson #8 Religious Violence (FRENCH WARS OF RELIGION)
Essential Questions Why were women considered witches more often than men? What caused, and what ended the French Wars of Religion? What caused, and what ended the Dutch Rebellion?
The Great Witch Hunt 100,000 – 200,000 accusations and trials 40,000 – 60,000 executions Witches – sabbats; magical Satan, goats and groups 80% accused were poor single women over 45 Often midwives Women thought to be weaker Accusation led to a hunt – coven has members Likely it was the Renaissance and Reformation that started… and ended the craze
The Great Witch hunts Doc on p. 474 click
French Religious Wars Habsburg-Valois Wars Formation of Calvinism 40 years of French-German antagonism Four wars (1521-1559) France went into debt Formation of Calvinism Caught on by 1550s 15% of society by 1570s Nearly half of the nobles
Why would Protestantism be popular among Nobles?
Why would Protestantism NOT be popular among peasants?
Henry II of France Son of Francis I Henry’s wife, Catherine de Medici Francis was a contemporary of Henry VIII Was king for only 10 years Died in a jousting tournament (end of 8th Italian War) Henry’s wife, Catherine de Medici Mother to three more kings She directed French policy for next generation Tried to maintain power of monarchy with opposing “sides” (Guise Catholics vs. Bourbon Huguenots) His son, Henry III tried to hold nation together 2m
Why does Henry’s death matter? Consider this… his sons were young, and his wife was domineering Calvinism became VERY popular to nobles in France (Half of French Nobles) French royalty and peasants were loyal Catholics What did French nobles have to gain in going Huguenot (Calvinist)? Why will this matter to stability in France? Why will the death of a king now matter? Think of English King Henry’s “Great Matter.” What must Henry II of France have done?
French Civil War Fighting exploded after Henry II died What were the two “sides” who will surely end up fighting? Religion was AGAIN being used to challenge the monarchy Two French noble factions emerged, both wanting to diminish the power of the French monarchy Henry of Navarre (Henry Bourbon) Henry of Guise – ultra Catholic Huguenot nobles challenged power of monarch
French Civil War Henry’s wife, Catherine de Medici ruled in place of her sons, Francis, Charles and Henry Francis was raised to be king, but died too soon Charles ruled for years, but never had kids Fighting continued Catherine tried for a compromise She contracted for her daughter to marry the powerful Henry of Navarre
The wedding of Henry B. and Margo V. Arranged by Catherine de Medici What was her goal? Two most powerful families uniting What would you do if you were Henry of Guise? Henry Guise arranged for a mass murder of all Huguenots Became known as ST. BARTHOLEMEW’S DAY MASSACRE
The War of Three Henrys Henry of Navarre Henry of Guise Henry III, King of France Henry III contracted a kill of Guise Friends of Guise took revenge, and… Henry III was murdered by a fanatical religious leader What problem did the Valois family line now have?
Henry IV Key Dates 1553: Born 1572: Married to Margo (age 19) 1587: War of the Three Henrys 1594: Coronated (age 41) 1598: Edict of Nantes 1599: Marriage Annulled 1600: Married to Marie (age 47) 1610: Died (age 57) - assassinated 12m
Henry IV Turned out to be beloved by his people Kind, compassion, good humor, charming Highly concerned for welfare of France Promoted agriculture; drained swamps Renewed Paris as a great city; added wings to Louvre Public works Bridges and canals Promoted the arts Education for all Prevented deforestation; ordered plantings
Edict of Nantes Religious tolerance for Huguenots Henry – a man of vision & courage Married Marie de Medici Six kids (3 lived) Louis XIII Henrietta Maria (married Charles I of England) Maryland Marie coronated the day before he was killed
Dutch Rebellion (1560s – 1640) Part of the Spanish Empire SPANISH NETHERLANDS WILL ONE DAY BE THE AUSTRIAN NETHERLANDS Charles V was born there – kept close watch Philip II (r:1555-1598) let it fester – grew to different and independent – Calvinist influence Spanish sent Duke of Alba (20,000 mercenaries) Council of Troubles (1568-1573) William of Orange Spanish Fury (The sack of Antwerp) Pacification of Ghent – UNITED PROVINCES born
Document discussion Read p. 400 – Philip declares William an outlaw Why can’t they get along? What is Queen Elizabeth’s take on their fight?
Mary became queen when she was older She was raised a Catholic When she became queen, she brought the Catholic Church back She married Philip of Spain She killed anyone who protested Protestants would later called her “BLOODY MARY” because she killed so many protestants She died after five years – no kids
William of Orange vs. Duke of Alba
William of Orange vs. Duke of Alba THE SPANISH FURY
Philip II vs. Elizabeth I
Pico della Mirandola The Oration on the Dignity of Man Called the "Manifesto of the Renaissance". Spoke to hostile clerics of the dignity of the liberal arts The Oration served as an introduction to Pico's 900 theses, which he believed provided a basis for the discovery of all knowledge Pico combined Platonism, Neoplatonism, Aristoteliansm, Hermeticism and Kabbalah. Also included 72 theses describing what Pico believed to be a complete system of physics.
Pico’s Oration on the Dignity of Man These are the reasons why I decided to study philosophy. And I'm not going to explain them to anyone except those who condemn philosophy. Philosophy is not something to be used scornfully or as insult, but for honor and glory. We have reduced philosophy to only being useful when being used for profit. I've never philosophized except for the sake of philosophy, and have never desired it for my own cultivation. I have been able to lose myself in philosophy and not be influenced by others who try to pull me away from it.