About Centre for Science and Environment AAETI Anil Agarwal Environment Training Institute About Centre for Science and Environment
People act AAETI ‘The people’s e-movement’ 1972: The Chipko movement in the Himalayas Women, ‘hug’ the trees. Say they will not let the woodcutters log their forests. Gets national attention (Anil Agarwal as young journalist reports in newspapers) Wanted different development paradigm
About CSE AAETI CSE: set up in 1980. Founded by Anil Agarwal: Engineer-journalist. Wanted to create an institution that could bridge the gap between information and knowledge; between knowledge and public awareness; to influence public policies
Continuum: practice never ends AAETI Continuum: practice never ends Information Collating Data (library resources, databases, information alerts etc) Knowledge Research and Analyses of information (newsletters, Down To Earth, state of environment books) Wisdom/Action Research for policy advocacy
AAETI We at CSE… The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) is a public interest research and advocacy organization based in New Delhi. Major activities Research Advocacy Policy Change Campaign Capacity building Community Help
CSE: Pushing for change AAETI CSE: Pushing for change Policy research & advocacy Documenting to build knowledge Disseminating knowledge Training & education Sustainable mobility & Clean Air Sustainable habitat Sustainable industrialisation Sustainable urban & rural water management Climate change Renewable energy Food safety & toxins Knowledge portal Climate change Resource Centre Down To Earth Gobar Times CSE Websites Books Films Green School Programme Media Resource Centre Anil Agarwal Green College
CSE Website Pushing for an interactive interphase AAETI CSE Website Pushing for an interactive interphase
AAETI Down to Earth website
AAETI Green Clearance Watch
AAETI CSE’s Global Presence
Global Interactions (2014 – 15) AAETI Global Interactions (2014 – 15)
Global Engagements (2015 – 16) AAETI Global Engagements (2015 – 16)
Anil Agarwal Environment Training Institute (AAETI) AAETI is a learning, training and innovation centre to find appropriate and affordable solutions to some of the most pressing environmental problems faced by developing countries.
Anil Agarwal Environment Training Institute (AAETI) The Schools AAETI will conduct its courses on this campus through six Schools of Learning. School of environmental governance Centre of Climate Change School of sustainable urbanisation School of water and waste management Green community college School of environmental communication
AAETI Thank You