DEFINITION IMOTENCY is inability of a person to perform sexual intercourse. Sterility is the inability of the male to beget children, and in female the inability to conceive children
Frigidity Frigidity :- is the inability to initiate or maintain the sexual arousal pattern in female. Or Is a psychological defect in female having an abnormal aversion to sexual intercourse.
Relative impotency (impotence quoad hoc) Those unable to have intercourse only with some but not all person of the opposite sex. The question of relative impotency is hard to decide and is mainly influenced by psychic background.
Medico Legal Importance 1) Civil a)legally, a marriage is a contract between man and wife, in which sexual union between the two is presumed to take place periodically (consummation). (i) If there is any cause, in either partner, which prevents such sexual intercourse, the marriage cannot be consummated, and can therefore be declared by a court of law to be null and void.
(ii) However, when impotency develops after the marriage has been consummated, it can only be cited as grounds for divorce, whether or not the consummation has resulted in conception and production of offspring.
B) In case of disputed paternity, the putative father may claim that he is impotent, and therefore could not have fathered the child. C) Claim for damages where loss of the sexual function is claimed as the result of an assault or accident
B) Criminal: 1) Adultery 2) Rape 3) Unnatural offence, where impotency is pleaded as a defence.
Examination The examination should be undertaken only when asked by the court or the police. Before examining, care should be taken to obtain informed consent Complete history of the previous ill-ness, especially with reference to nervous and mental condition and sexual history, should be obtained A general physical examination should then be made followed by systemic examination. Special attention should be directed to the nervous system and assessment of the mental condition.
Examination The private parts must be examined for injuries or malformations with a view to ascertaining any impediment to intercourse. The condition of testes, epididymis, cord and penis should be noted and private parts tested for sensations. The length of the penis is measured from mons to the tip of glans, and circumference about middle of the shaft.
Examination The penis varies greatly in size. The size of penis has less constant relation to general physical development than that of any other organ of the body Secondary sexual character should be noted with respect to age.
Examination test for impotency Nocturnal penile tumescence(NTP) monitoring: Snap-Gauge Test: The snap-gauge test monitors the man's ability to achieve an erection during sleep. It is a very simple test. When the man goes to bed, he places bands around the shaft of his penis. If one or more breaks during the course of the night, it provides evidence of an erection. In this case, a psychological basis for the erectile dysfunction is likely.
Examination test for impotency RigiScan Monitor:- A more sophisticated and more expensive device. Which makes repetitive measurements of rigidity around the base and tip of the penis. This test is quite accurate but may fail to detect mild cases of erectile dysfunction.
Examination test for impotency Duplex Doppler Ultrasound:- An ultrasound technique called duplex Doppler ultrasound may be useful alone or with sildenafil (Viagra) in detecting some causes of erectile dysfunction, such as leakage from blood vessels.
2. ‘Impotency’ is defined as: A. Inability to conceive B. Inability to perform sexual act C. Premature ejaculation D. Inability to achieve an orgasm
The Quoad is impotent to: A. All the ladies B. To a particular woman C. To wife D. To elderly ladies
Important questions 1) Define impotency? 2) What is frigidity. 3) Impotence quoad hoc. 4) Causes of impotency in males. 5) Causes of impotency in females. 6) What are the various tests for impotency. 7) Bride-Groom impotency. 8) Sexual aversion disorder.