The Expectations of a School Councillor The School Council is the voice of the children at our school. School Councillors have been elected by the other children in their classes and they trust them to do this very important job. Southfield Park expects it School Councillors to: Be fair and respectful, listening to the views of all the children they represent. Be impartial and not take sides or just sat what they think. Be confident to speak at meetings and not afraid to share their ideas. Be sensible when making decisions to help make our school a better place for all. Be proud of their role within the school! The School Council can expect the adults at Southfield Park to: Respect the views of the School Council as the voice of the children. Listen to the School Council’s ideas and give them proper consideration. Give the School Council opportunities to help make decisions about what happens at our school. Be proud of our School Council and the job they do!