Home Economics Secondary 3 Making of soft toy
Material of soft toy Felt Cotton wool Needle Embroidery thread Pin Clothing Hanger Scissor Pattern
Steps of making soft toy First steps is a cut the felt, after the felt , put the two felt sew.after the two felt sew,I love home economice.after.i put the scissors cut the felt,after needlework very like ,after finish needlework ,after write the name, class number .
My soft toy article (photo)
Personal details and feedback Chu ka yuk 3L 05 I think I am making the needlework article very beautiful,because I do article is very sreious , therefore I choose home eoonomics , also and cooking ,I feeling very like,but me firt time l simple learn oversewing.I think very fascining, because I never try learn needle,start needle l think very tough , but i can try my best , in fact I learn nome eoonomics very pain.finally today very happy.