Breeds of Goat
Boer Goats South Africa Meat Goats Horned White bodies with red heads and a white blaze Roman Face
La Mancha Cross between Spanish dairy goats and other purebreds All colors Straight face Short hair Gopher ears (1 in or less in length w/ little to no cartilage and ends turn up or down) Elf Ears (2” long, ends up or down)
Toggenberg Swiss Light fawn to dark chocolate Erect ears Ears are white with dark spots in middle 2 white stripes down the face from eye to muzzle Legs and rump are white Short to medium hair that lies flat Mostly polled 1500-1600 lbs milk/year
French Alpine French (from Swiss stock) Pure white to black, varieties Erect ears Short hair No dewlap Bearded or not 1,500-1,600 lbs/year
Nubian Africa Any color Short hair Long, droopy ears Roman nose No fringe of long hair down back Most polled Doe has no beard 1,300-1,500 lbs/year
Saanen Swiss White to light cream Short hair with fringe over spine and thighs Erect ears Buck have tufts of hair over forehead Polled 1,500-1,600 lbs/year
Angora Turkey Horned Long, droopy ears White is desirable Black, gray, etc
Cashmere Soft down or winter undercoat No 1 breed/ no registry Demand exceeds supply China Mongolia, Iran, Australia, NZ