Halloween АВТОР: учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 91 ДЕМИДОВА Татьяна Викторовна Красноярск, 2013
On October 31st British and American people celebrate Halloween. It is the most colorful and exciting holiday of the year.
Streets and houses are decorated with pumpkins Streets and houses are decorated with pumpkins.Many families carve pumpkins and decorate the outside of their homes.
The traditional decoration is Jack-o’-lantern The traditional decoration is Jack-o’-lantern. People cut holes in the pumpkin and put a candle inside it. It looks frightening at night
At most Halloween parties, prizes are given for best costumes. Bobbing for apples, telling fortunes, playing scary games, and snacking on caramel apples, candy, apple cider, and pumpkin pie are all part of the fun
Pumpkin pie
Caramel apples
Bobbing for apples
Part of the fun of Halloween is to get scared out of your wits Part of the fun of Halloween is to get scared out of your wits. This can be easily done by visiting a haunted house. Every year shortly before Halloween, many charities and communities create fake haunted houses.
Things that can scare you to death
Halloween is time for fun.
Ресурсы сети ИНТЕРНЕТ: http://s010.radikal.ru/i314/1112/fd/d38118776c11.jpg http://xvatit.com/upload/iblock/546/5463218e30f44d97f8 cac324b34e9b47.jpg http://900igr.net/datai/prazdniki/KHellouin/0002-001- KHellouin.jpg http://img.dizayn-interyerov.ru/4691/4691269.JPG http://www.bydvkurse.ru/wp- content/uploads/2012/08/ukrasheniya-na-hellouin-svoimi- rukami.jpg http://i4.optor.ru/images/10/1/726/143585726-1.jpg http://www.diy.ru/media/thumbnails/bc/86/bc86ed02d8 caaddaaa880683cbb482bb.jpg