10.00am – 4.30pm (Lunch is included) “Meet the Editors” Tuesday 26th September 2006 Holiday Inn, Cardiff 10.00am – 4.30pm (Lunch is included) An education day aimed at health professionals and academics who wish to understand the process from idea to publication. The day will begin with keynote presentations to inform delegates of the importance of publication. The editors point of view and perspective from a writer will be given. We will also have short presentations from editors from a wide range of journals. The editors will be available during the day to discuss all aspects and requirements for writing for publication. Keynote Speakers; Professor Glyn Elwyn, Centre for Health Sciences Research, Cardiff University. Professor Jane Noyes, University of Bangor Editor of The Journal of Advanced Nursing. Professor Maggie Kirk. Leader Genomics Policy Unit, University of Glamorgan Delegate Cost - £40 Cheques should be made payable to: Velindre N.H.S. Trust. For registration please contact: Kathryn Cooke WCTN 029 20196821 Email :Kathryn.cooke@velindre-tr.wales.nhs.uk