Chapter 12-21 Vocabulary Definitions To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 12-21 Vocabulary Definitions
contemptuously (adverb) Definition: feeling or showing deep hatred or disapproval.
formidable (adjective) Definition: very powerful or strong; deserving serious attention and respect.
prerogative (noun) Definition: a right or privilege.
qualms (noun) Definition: a feeling of doubt or uncertainty about whether you are doing the right thing.
edification (noun) Definition: the act/process of teaching someone in a way that improves the mind or character.
façade (noun) Definition: a false, superficial, or artificial appearance or effect
penitentiary (noun) Definition: a state or federal prison in the United States.
placid (adjective) Definition: not easily upset or excited; calm and steady.
acrimonious (adjective) Definition: angry and bitter.
corroborating (verb) Definition: to support or help prove (a statement, theory) by providing evidence or information.
countenance (noun) Definition: the appearance of a person’s face; a person’s expression.
profane (adjective) Definition: having or showing disrespect for religious things; not religious or spiritual.
brash (adjective) Definition: confident and aggressive, usually in a rude or unpleasant way.
pilgrimage (noun) Definition: a journey to a holy or special place
volition (noun) Definition: the power to make your own choices or decisions.
wrathfully (adverb) Definition: filled with extreme anger; irate
acquit (verb) Definition: to decide that someone is not guilty of a crime.
indicted (verb) Definition: to formally decide that someone should be put on trial for a crime.
temerity (noun) Definition: the quality of being confident and unafraid of danger or punishment, especially in a way that seems rude or foolish.
vengeance (noun) Definition: punishment inflicted in retaliation for an injury or offense.