Effective Instructional and Accommodative Practices CHAPTER 4
General Effective Teaching What are some examples of general effective teaching behaviors? What are the desired student behaviors that result from effective teaching?
Self-Reflection & Knowledge of Students Changing teaching approaches Identifying contextual variables within the classroom, home and community Analyzing students’ learning opportunities Understanding how children understand their academic and social environment Reconsidering the curriculum
Teacher-Directed Instruction Prepare the Student to Learn the Skill P. U. R. P. O. S. E.
Self-Directed Learning Self-Direction Taught Through Skill Building Action planning Goal setting Goal planning Self-management Self-Direction Skills Taught Through Problem-Based Learning
Peer-Directed Learning Peer Tutoring Cooperative Learning
Accommodative Practices
Curricular Content Accommodations Study Skills Learning Strategies Social Skills Related Life Skills
Instructional Materials Accommodations What concerns should be addressed when making materials accommodations? Based on factors such as time, effort, and availability, what are some textual material accommodations that you would make?
Instructional Accommodations Learning Considerations Delivery of Effective Instruction Instructional Planning
Product and Assignment Accommodations Alternative Products Assignment Adaptations Homework Testing Options/Modifications Grading Considerations