Food Nutrition and Public health 18-02-2016
Recap What are Food Nutrients? What are the basis of classification of food nutrients? Essential and Non essential Macronutrients and Micronutrients Caloric and Non caloric nutrients Organic and inorganic nutrients
Energy value of different foods The energy value or caloric value of different Product varies from one type of food to other. Why it varies? Its because of the difference in the composition of nutrients in various foods.
Caloric density Because the composition would affect the caloric density of different foods Caloric density is defined as the amount of calories per unit quantity. This unit is gram in case of solid foods like fruits etc and mL in case of liquid foods like milk, beverages etc.
Caloric density of different food products Caloric density of fruits and vegetables than cereals and meat. The vegetables and fruits contain higher amounts of water ; therefore lower quantities of energy yielding nutrients, which are carbohydrates usually. The protein and fat content of fruits and vegetables is generally low
Caloric density of different food products However some fruits and vegetables may contain proteins in significant amounts Examples of such fruits? Dry fruits in comparison to fresh fruits have relatively higher caloric density because of lower amounts of water and significant amounts of energy yielding nutrients like, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Examples?
Task Compare the composition of different fresh fruits, vegetables and dry fruits to estimate their caloric value.