Project overview
Strategic framework
Strategic framework
Strategic framework
Strategic framework
Approach There are several key aspects of the approach we are taking, which will contribute to the project’s success.
Approach Clinical Engagement Developing a consensus opinion among clinicians can be difficult. Central to our approach is genuine clinical engagement. We want and need to hear from real, practising clinicians about: how they currently work what are the key problems what improvements would make the biggest difference Later I will go into more detail about how we will use surveys and workshops to do this.
Approach The Big Pitcher NHS Scotland is a large, complex and inter-connected organisation. And the NHS itself exists within a broader public sector context. By ensuring that we link with relevant groups, nationally and locally, and by placing the project’s work within a wider strategic framework, we hope to ensure that the recommended next steps make sense not just locally but as part of that bigger picture.
Primary Care Survey – Emerging Themes and Issues
We need to understand... The themes and issues emerging from the survey results The effects of these themes and issues Who is affected How they are affected
Our increased understanding will... Ensure that the issues raised are considered and inform the development of a solution Ensure that the development of a solution is focussed on the needs of patients, clinicians and the wider healthcare team Help to inform the agenda for the clinical blueprint development session
Primary Care Survey first 90 responses Illegibility of handwritten information Insufficient information about changes to medication Missing diagnosis Missing follow-up information Missing medications items Need to contact hospital for further information