Where are the stakeholders in implementation science? Annette Boaz Annette Boaz is a Professor of Health Care Research in the Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education at Kingston University and St George’s University of London. Her research focuses on the relationship between research evidence, policy and practice, implementation, improvement and patient engagement. She supports a number of initiatives aimed at increasing capacity for research use including the UK National Institute for Health Research Knowledge Mobilization Fellowship scheme and the UK Implementation Network and the South London Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC). Current projects include: The Medical Research Council funded SEE-Impact study on stakeholder engagement and the Health Foundation funded evaluation of the scale and spread of Patient and Family Centred Care. She recently completed an evaluation of experience based co-design and continues to pursue an interest in this area through an international pursuit on co-creation. She is one of the managing editors of the international journal Evidence & Policy. There is a widespread imperative to involve patients within the NHS and within research processes. There is also a growing interest in co-design, co-creation and co-production in our discussions around implementation. However, the potential for including patients and other stakeholders in the implementation of research evidence has received limited attention in the implementation science literature. The seminar will discuss the potential role of patients and NHS staff in implementation, drawing on learning from an experience based co-design study conducted in two clinical pathways (lung cancer and intensive care) in two UK NHS Trusts. To read more, see my Blog with Allison Metz from the US National Implementation Research Network: https://i2insights.org/2016/09/08/co-creation-and-implementation-science/ 9th January 2017 - 4.30-5.30 South Cloister 3.06 – VC to MR8 JBB Plymouth Please register at: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/LZM3SNH LKD Blog: http://learningknowingdoing.org.uk Presentations from previous seminars are available here: http://clahrc-peninsula.nihr.ac.uk/implementation-science-seminar-archive