Cloning, Genetic Engineering, and Selective Breeding


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Presentation transcript:

Cloning, Genetic Engineering, and Selective Breeding Everything you need to know!

How Do We Get Organisms with Desired Traits?

Ways to get desired traits Cloning Selective Breeding Inbreeding hybridization Genetic engineering

Cloning Producing offspring with desired traits that are genetically identical to the parent. Cutting from a plant to grow new one Dolly, a sheep produced in 1996 was the first cloned mammal.

Cloning Transferring the genetic material of one cell into another cell. Results in either a group of identical cells or a new individual, in which case it is called reproductive cloning. Dolly, a sheep produced in 1996 was the first cloned mammal. Dolly with Polly another cloned sheep

Make MIMI the Mouse

Selective Breeding: Details Selective breeding involves mating organisms with different “desirable” traits to get offspring with the desirable traits of both parents Selective breeding is used mostly for dogs, cats, other pets, cattle, and crops. SAME SPECIES!

Selective breeding—The selection of certain seeds or animals for reproduction so that the next generation has the same desirable traits.

Selective breeding allowing only those animals or plants with desired traits to reproduce. This is how we have developed many varieties of corn, wheat, rice, cows, horses, dogs, etc. These are referred to as domesticated varieties.

Selective Breeding Selective breeding has been practiced for thousands of years. It involves humans choosing two individuals to mate to produce offspring with certain desirable characteristics, such as leaner meat on an animal or wheat seeds that remain attached to the plant for longer. Many plants and animals for domestic and agricultural purposes have been bred in this way to produce new varieties.

Selective Breeding Example A I’m giving ½ my genes! I’m giving ½ my genes, too! I’m so glad Farmer Jane introduced us! Our offspring will be so handsome & healthy & tasty! Tough wild boars mated with friendly meaty pigs give you robust & meaty pigs for your farm. Tough Boar + meaty pig = Superpig

Selective Breeding Example B Santa Gertrudis cattle (cross of 2 breeds) RESULT = good beef and resistant to heat! Brahman cattle: Good resistance to heat, but poor beef. English shorthorn cattle: Good beef but poor heat resistance. hot weather cow + beefy cow = supercow

Selective Breeding: Example C Ancient corn from Peru (~4000 yrs old) Choosing only the best corn plants for seeds results in better crops over a long time.

Selective Breeding Example D = little red tomato + big green = BIG RED TOMATO

Forms of selective breeding 1.Inbreeding- involves crossing 2 individuals that have similar desired traits. The offspring will probably have the same traits. Increases the chances of the recessive alleles being inherited Lead to genetic disorders

Forms of selective breeding 2. Hybridization- crossing 2 genetically different individuals (hybrid-different) - have best traits from both parents Hybrid sunflower flamily: H. annuus and H. petiolaris- H. anomalus exhibits traits commonly found in native sand dune plants, like the accelerated root growth rates that allow it to reach scarce water resources.

Hybridization the crossing of dissimilar organisms to bring together the best of both organisms. Many crops and domesticated animals are hybrids

Remember! Selective breeding crosses (mates) organisms with desirable traits to produce offspring that have the traits from both parents!

Advantages of Selective Breeding Might get improved organisms Don’t need any special tools or lab Can be performed easily by farmers & breeders

Disadvantages of Selective Breeding Undesirable traits from both parents may appear in the offspring Disease can accumulate in the population You may end up with deaf dalmatians, boxers with heart disease, labs with hip problems…

DNA Technology DNA extraction the process of separating DNA from the rest of the cell

Restriction enzymes are used to cut DNA. They are very specific and cut DNA only in specified places due to a nucleotide sequence.

Gel electrophoresis procedure where DNA fragments are placed in a special gel and an electric current is run through it. The current picks up the pieces and carries them through the gel. Bands are then compared to a known sample. This is used to compare samples from crime scenes to suspects(looking for a specific match), or a child to a possible family or father(looking for similarities in DNA). CODIS is the genetic “bank” of DNA samples from crime scenes.

DNA fingerprinting an analysis of sections of DNA that are used to identify individuals….such as criminals, missing children, MIA soldiers, crime victims, etc. Each person has unique DNA that can be used for identification.

DNA profiles 16 V S S1 S2 S3 V Victim S Sample from crime scene S1 Suspect 1 S2 Suspect 2 S3 Suspect 3 More than 20 fragments from Suspect 1 match those taken from the crime scene

Suspect 3 has some explaining to do…

Genetic engineering is the field of science that deals with making changes in an organism’s DNA

Scientists used a bioluminescent gene from a jellyfish to create “glowing” green mice! The inserted gene makes the skin glow under ultraviolet (UV) light. These are all baby mice, with no hair yet. These 3 in the middle are normal baby mice. Photo taken under UV light.

Genetic Engineering: Details DNA from one organism inserted into another organism’s DNA sequence, to ensure the organism will have a specific trait. Genes from one organism are transferred into the DNA of another organism. Used in medicines and food crops Cows to produce milk that have a blood clotting protein needed by people with hemophilia.

Genetic Engineering Example A: Diabetic = a person whose pancreas cannot create the important hormone insulin.  Take the gene for making insulin from a healthy donor’s DNA Add that gene to the DNA of pancreas cells from a diabetic Let mitosis happen for a while (in a “test tube”) so you get LOTS of pancreas cells with the good gene. Surgically implant the good cells back into the diabetic Give the insulin gene to diabetics.

Genetic Engineering Example B: Scientists engineered chickens to be featherless by REMOVING the gene in chicken DNA that causes them to grow feathers Make chickens with no feathers.

Genetic Engineering Example C: Cabbage plant + scorpion venom = bug-proof veggies Scientists added a gene for producing scorpion venom to cabbage plants to kill pesky caterpillars that eat the crops!

Genetic Engineering Example D: Placing the “anti-freeze gene” from a cold-water fish in tomatoes, so the tomatoes can still grow in cold weather. Give tomatoes the ability to make anti-freeze.

Remember! Genetic engineering involves the manipulation of genes! Gene: a segment of DNA

Genetic Engineering of insect- resistant corn #2 Use enzymes to cut desired gene loose #1 Identify desired gene #3 Remove undesired gene #4 Insert desired gene into corn

Advantages of Genetic Engineering Will get improved organisms Can create organisms with traits not previously thought possible Can remove “bad” genes Reduces the chance of getting “undesirable” organisms

Disadvantages of Genetic Engineering Co$tly Must be performed in a lab with special equipment Ethical issues Long term negative affects Negative environmental impacts Superweeds! Natural insecticides seep into soil & kill good insects! Unknowns?????

Genetic engineering has few limits - except our imagination, and our moral or ethical code.

Recombinant DNA the combination of DNA from different sources. A different gene into the bacteria. Human gene for human growth hormone is inserted into bacteria and then used to produce growth hormone used to treat growth disorders. produce insulin for diabetics, clotting factor for hemophiliacs:

Genetic Engineering

G M O term used to describe genetically modified foods genetically modified organism: an organism or microorganism whose genetic material has been altered by means of genetic engineering.

Gene therapy Using genetic engineering to correct some genetic disorders in humans. Involves inserting copies of a gene directly into a person’s cells. Hemophilia- replaces the defective allele on the X chromosome to correct the instructions for blood clotting.

Gene therapy a process in which an absent or faulty gene is replaced with a normal working gene. This has been successfully done in some cases in humans. Gene therapy holds promise for treating a wide range of diseases, such as cancer, cystic fibrosis, heart disease, diabetes, hemophilia and AIDS.

In the United States, gene therapy is available only as part of a clinical trial.

Vocabulary Selective Breeding: The intentional breeding of organisms with desirable traits in an attempt to produce offspring with similar desirable characteristics or with improved traits. Species: A group of organisms having common characteristics that is capable of mating with one another. Variation: Differences in individual living things from each other. gene: A segment of DNA that codes for a particular protein. gene pool: All the genes of all the members in a population.

selective pressure: Any environmental factor that favors one trait over another. mutation: A random change in a gene or a group of genes. genetic isolation: What occurs when two groups of one species are prevented from breeding with each other. inherited trait: An inherited characteristic—such as hair and eye color or muscle and bone structure—that has been passed on from a previous generation. acquired trait: An acquired characteristic—such as the ability to ride a bike or do karate—that is attained throughout life. Acquired traits are not passed on genetically.

Adaptation: A change in an organism over time that helps it to survive and reproduce in its environment. Biodiversity: The variety and complexity of life on Earth. Camouflage: Appearance that is designed for hiding in the environment. Competition: Living things striving for food, living space, mates, and other resources. Evolution: The process whereby new species arise from earlier species by accumulated changes. Often referred to as “change over time.”

Fitness: The ability of a living thing to survive and reproduce in its environment. Natural Selection: The process by which individuals in a population inherit genes that allow them to survive and be reproductively successful. Variation: Differences in individual living things from each other. Scientific theory: well-tested concept or explanation not proven Fossils- preserved remains of animals that died long ago

Natural Selection Factors that affect the process: Overproduction Variation Competition Selection Environmental Change Genes and Natural Selection

Basic Concepts of Natural Selection Individual living things are different from each other. This is called variation. Variation is important because without it, populations cannot evolve over time. Living things produce more offspring than can survive, and many that survive do not reproduce-Overproduction Living things compete for limited resources, such as food and shelter-Competition

REVIEW Selective Breeding Genetic Engineering Relatively new process performed within labs Manipulates or alters the genetic makeup of organisms Results in organisms with new traits Selective Breeding Process has been around for thousands of years Combines the best traits of two organisms Results in organisms that have the desirable traits of their parents

 Know Selective Breeding involves choosing two organisms of the same species and mating them with the hope of getting the best qualities of each parent to show up in the offspring. Genetic Engineering involves identifying certain genes and moving them from one organism to another – even to a different species or removing the gene entirely! Both activities are controversial. Understand Genetic engineering is an ethical issue that needs to be regulated by the personal, cultural, and global conscience. Do Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both processes. Analyze scenarios and determine if the situation is an example of genetic engineering or selective breeding.