Welcome to Back to School Night Mrs. Blazinski Room 16 Homeroom and Language Arts
Tonight’s Agenda Classroom Management Grading System Language Arts Standardized Tests Homework Communication 5th Grade Activities Specials Schedule
Classroom Rules Raise hand to ask and respond Respect who is talking; no blurts or outbursts Respect my property as well as that of others Keep my hands, feet, and any negative thoughts to myself Use my “Clip It! behavior chart Observe and implement the Fish Philosophy
Rules and Consequences Steps of Action Teacher’s Choice Continued disrespectful behavior will result in moving the paperclip from “Think About It” to “Teacher’s Choice "and lastly to “Parent Contact”. Consequence as follows: Student writes “Think Time Sheet” at the indoor recess room Take home plan for parent signature Return signed behavior plan to school the following day If inappropriate behavior still persists, a phone call home to parents is warranted. Extreme violation of class rules warrants a visit to the principal’s office. Eye contact Hand signals General class reprimand Proximity to student Think about It Repeated behavior will result it moving the paperclip from “Ready to Learn” to “Think About It” No consequence is given at this point
Clip It Behavior
Daily Expectations Come to class prepared with all materials Write in assignment book daily/check website Complete assignments on time Email home Missing Assignments Follow Kerby’s Keys of Success, Respect, Responsibility, and Self-Discipline Follow the Fish Philosophy and Clip It Behavior Chart
5th Grade Grading System ES Exceeds Standards Consistently performs above grade level standards. Demonstrating mastery of the academic content at grade level and beyond. MS Meets Standards Consistently and accurately demonstrates skills. Independently applies the knowledge, skills, and standards appropriate to their grade level. Shows evidence of mastery on multiple and varied assessments over time. AS Approaching Standards Demonstrated skills inconsistently. Show progress, but is not at grade level standard yet. CA Concerns in the area Needs considerable assistance and is performing significantly below standards. Struggles in this area; shows little or no progress. + area of strength @ meets expectations x needs improvement
Language Arts Writing Process: three forms of writing: Narrative, Persuasive and Information. Focus on author’s voice, figurative language, read aloud from the Making Meaning series, MAISA Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators, and picture books. Reading: Readers’ Workshop Making Meaning Series; MAISA Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators, and picture books. Readers’ Workshop Daily instruction using short picture books, or our core novels, incorporating comprehension though discussion and written language. Kid Blog: Reading and Writing Padlet: Daily reflection of thought provoking quotes Students will blog in 3 different manners inside and outside of the classroom. Response to what they have read in school Response to what they are reading at home Response to question of the week literature related Reading instructionally appropriate leveled novels: F&P nationally normed test. NWEA. Vocabulary: Making Meaning Series Spelling: Making Meaning Series and Spelling Patterns used in content area
Standardized Tests Homework Meap May, Social Studies, Math, & Reading NWEA Computer Assessment 3 times a year in reading and math Fountas and Pinnell testing 2 times a year Grosse Pointe Writing Assessment – May Homework Assignment Book as well as web page, http://staff.gpschools.org/blazinp Days: Monday-Friday Approximate time spent: approximately 30-45 minutes daily Read at home 20-30 minutes a day Missed work: No 2nd recess,
5th Grade Activities Communication Weekly Wrap-up via email and on the web http://staff.gpschools.org/blazinp E-mail Address: Patricia.Blazinski@gpschools.org Phone: (313) 432-4200 (Office) (313) 432-5248 (Voice Mail) https://twitter.com/MrsBlazinski Conference appointment 5th Grade Activities Camp Sept. 21-23, 2016 Student Council Service/Safety Instrumental Music Choir Lunchtime enrichment
Specials Schedule 45 minutes at varies 1:50-2:40 or 1:40-2:25 dependent on day of the week A Library/Spanish B Physical Education C Music D Art Instrumental Music Tuesday 8:30-9:15 Thursday 8:30-9:15
Parent Volunteers Room Parents/Class Parties Promotion Ceremony 5th Grade Picnic PTO Classroom Represtatives (2) Dissection: Sheep Heart and Lungs Guest Speakers
Thank you for coming this evening! If you have any questions or concerns, you may write me a note and leave it with me tonight. Thank you.