Ecological conference center Tingvall Ecological conference center Sweden Compiled by: Petter D. Jenssen Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB)
Urine divertion and dry composting of fecal matter at Tingvall conference center Sweden Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, P.D. Jensssen NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Text The bathrooms have high standard an the comfort is comparable to traditional WC´s and the the smell is less due to ventilation through the toilet. 2 Photos: P.D. Jenssen
Urine divertion and dry composting of fecal matter at Tingvall conference center Sweden Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, P.D. Jensssen NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Photo: P.D. Jenssen Single flush urine diverting toilets are used. The faeces are collected dry and approx.0,2l of water is is used to flush the urine. The composting chamber has a slight underpressure so that air flow is down through the toilet bowl, thus, there is no foul odour in the toilet room. 3
Tingvall - greywater treatment The greywater treatment at Tingvall consists of a simple pond system with three ponds in series. Results so far indicate good treatment. Pond 3 POND 2 POND 1
Phosphorus removal 94% 0,1 mg/l 1,7 mg/l
COD removal 94% 32 mg/l 510 mg/l
Total nitrogen removal 90 % 1.0 mg/l 9.9 mg/l
NH4 removal 96% 0,11 mg/l 2.99 mg/l
Tingvall eco-conference center, Tanum Sweden - location and link NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, P.D. Jenssen Tingvall ( 9