PCC Opening Session
Growth Participants
How reliable are Postal services? 14 Very Reliable Reliable Not Reliable Not at all Reliable
How satisfied are you with USPS’ customer service? 14 Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
What do you most need to grow your business? 14 Simplified Mailing Requirements Knowledgeable Postal Employees Predictable Service Expanded Products and Services I Have Everything I Need
Does the USPS provide you with timely and accurate information? 14 Always Most of the Time Sometimes Never
Do you have the necessary resources at a local level to support your PCCs? 14 Always Most of the Time Sometimes Never
Does belonging to the PCC help you grow your business? 14 Definitely Somewhat Not Really Not At All
Peer to Peer Roundtables
Growth Participants
How many of you have planned your PCC Week event? 14 YES NO
What level will your PCC achieve? 14 Platinum Gold Silver Bronze None
Which of the ways we share information is most effective? 14 Webinars PCC Insider Email Blast Through Local PCC Website
Which PCCAC committee is most critical for your PCC success? 11 Communication Education Membership Policy
Which focus area needs the most improvement? 14 Communication Education Membership Policy
Peer to Peer Roundtables
PCC Opening Session