Anatomy-Skeletal System Appendicular Skeleton Upper Extremity
Anatomy-Skeletal System Introduction Refer back to your skeletal diagram where you named the bones of the body that you know. As we progress through today’s lesson and label the bones, if the bone is one that you labeled correctly on your diagram, place a check mark next to the bone.
Anatomy-Skeletal System Objectives Students will be able to: Define anatomical terms. Identify the bones of the upper extremity of the appendicular skeleton. Label the bones.
Anatomy-Skeletal System Terminology Appendicular Skeleton The part of the skeleton that includes: shoulder, pelvis, upper & lower limbs.
Anatomy-Skeletal System Terminology Upper extremity Includes the shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist, hand and fingers.
Anatomy-Skeletal System Terminology Fossa A depression in a bone Condyle Large rounded bump, rounded articular projection Epi Means “Above”
Anatomy-Skeletal System Terminology Meta Beyond Inter Between or among Supra Superior to or above Infra Inferior to or below
Anatomy-Skeletal System Appendicular Skeleton Bones of the Upper Extremity Humerus Radius Ulna Carpals Metacarpals Phalanges
Anatomy-Skeletal System Appendicular Skeleton Shoulder Girdle Clavicle Scapula Humerus Sternum Anterior View Right
Anatomy-Skeletal System Appendicular Skeleton Clavicle
Anatomy-Skeletal System Appendicular Skeleton Sternoclavicular Joint SC Joint
Anatomy-Skeletal System Appendicular Skeleton Acromioclavicular Joint “AC Joint” Glenohumeral Joint “GH Joint” Anterior View Right
Anatomy-Skeletal System Appendicular Skeleton Scapula Glenoid Fossa Coracoid Process Acromion Process Subscapular Fossa Anterior View Left
Anatomy-Skeletal System Appendicular Skeleton Scapula Glenoid Fossa Spine Supraspinous Fossa Infraspinous Fossa Posterior View Left
Anatomy-Skeletal System Scapula Acromion Process Spine Coracoid Process Glenoid Fossa Lateral View Left
Anatomy-Skeletal System Appendicular Skeleton Humerus Head Shaft Medial Epicondyle Lateral Epicondyle Olecranon Fossa A / P Right
Anatomy-Skeletal System Appendicular Skeleton Radius Head Shaft Proximal (Superior) Radioulnar Joint
Anatomy-Skeletal System Appendicular Skeleton Ulna Shaft Olecranon Process Distal (Inferior) Radioulnar Joint
Anatomy-Skeletal System Appendicular Skeleton Carpals (8) Radius Ulna
Anatomy-Skeletal System Appendicular Skeleton Metacarpals (5)
Anatomy-Skeletal System Appendicular Skeleton Phalanges (5)
Anatomy-Skeletal System Appendicular Skeleton Metacarpophalangeal Joint MP Joint
Anatomy-Skeletal System Appendicular Skeleton Identifying Metacarpals and Phalanges 1 - 5 3 2 4 5 1
Anatomy-Skeletal System Appendicular Skeleton Identifying Phalanges Proximal Phalanx Middle Phalanx Distal Phalanx 2 3 33
Anatomy-Skeletal System Appendicular Skeleton Identifying Joints within the phalanges Distal Interphalangeal Joint DIP Joint Proximal Interphalangeal Joint PIP Joint