BCSD Computer Resources for Students Information You Can Use
Students MUST Return their AUP forms/have Parent Signatures on AUP AND Return Mobile Device Permission Forms/have Parent Signatures on AUP Follow all Rules and Guidelines in these policies while using technology tools provided by the district and outside school
STUDENTS ARE PROVIDED… Individual computer logins and passwords that allow access to the INTERNET and SERVER SPACE to store documents at school and Parent Portal to see grades, etc. Student Email Accounts and Access to Office 365 including online Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive, a Calendar and other features Google Drive Accounts and access to Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and the ability to share documents with other students and teachers
Your Individual Computer Account Consists generally of your lastname.firstname and a 5 digit number as your password 000##### Can be provided by ANY classroom teacher SHOULD NOT BE SHARED WITH OTHERS Allows you to access the INTERNET and your SERVER SPACE (where you can save files on most computers at school to access later)
Parent Portal Want to know how you are doing in school, check grades, and attendance? Use your student access ID to log into your student portal. Go to: https://pschool.bcsdschools.net/public/home.html Username: lastname.firstname (Your BCSD internet access username.) Password: #####(Your computer password.) *Note: It is not necessary to create an account. Simply use your username and password to log in directly. After logging in, students may access grades, assignments, daily bulletin, attendance, and subscribe to teacher’s calendars.
Student Email Is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES Is MONITORED and inappropriate usage can result in disciplinary action Is accessed via the School or District website by clicking the Webmail link under SITE SHORTCUTS
Student Email Your username is your computer login with @bcsdschools.net added to the end Lastname.firstname@bcsdschools.net Your password is three zeros then your student number 000#####
Office 365 Once you login to your email, you can access online versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. by clicking the waffle iron on the top left OneDrive allows cloud storage so you can access files anywhere with an internet connection
(your 5 digit computer number) Google Drive Each student has also been provided a Google account. This will allow access to Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc. and the ability to work on the same document at school and at home Please note, GMAIL and YOUTUBE have been disabled on this account; Students and teachers must use their BCSD Office 365 Account for educational email To access this account, go to Google and click the SIGN IN button Then enter lastname.firstname@bcsdschools.net for your email and your password is 000##### (your 5 digit computer number)
FAQ/Reminders Why do I have Office 365 AND a Google account? To allow you to choose what programs are best for you – Word or Docs, etc. Also, to access class sets of Chromebooks that only login with a google account. Where can I find more information? Handouts to help you with these accounts are available in several places The HHS Library Card Catalog page under the Library Related Information Heading (available on the school website) In Parent Portal under Documents and Resources on the Left Side What else? MAKE SURE YOU SIGN OUT OF ALL Accounts on EVERY COMPUTER to PROTECT your information!!!