Imagined Worlds The Lovely Bones
Genre Brainstorm as many genres as you can. What genre is The Lovely Bones?
Fantasy Brian Attebury (1992) explained that the genre of fantasy: is usually characterised by anti-realism so is free of constraints of what is normal in real life. usually has a basic narrative structure that starts with a problem and ends with a resolutiuon. creates a sense of wonder to make us reflect on life in the real world.
Fantasy Rosemary Jackson (19819 added: It can dissolve the laws of space and time. It has themes exploring otherness, personal transformation and good versus evil.
Cambridge elevate video Tutorial on the fantasy genre
genre overlap Can you find evidence of the genres on the next slides in The Lovely Bones?
Magic realism Magic Realism: a fantastical elemnent in an otherwise realistic world.
Gothic horror Soared in popularity in the late 1700s (parodied by Jane Austen in Northhanger Abbey) Dark, spooky settings Often include ghosts, monsters, villains and heroines Plots involve mystery, the unexplained or supernatural
romance Love stories often involve overcoming some kind of obstacle and end with the lovers coming together.
tragedy Typically a tragedy exposes the futility and saddness of loss brought on by the cruel or foolish behaviour of others. They usually have sad endings where the central character/characters die.
Writers and readers Genre is linked to: the biographical details of the writer; the social, cultural, political and historical context in which a text is produced. the reader´s interpretation; the social, cultural, political and historical context in which a text is received.
Why was the novel produced? Develop your understanding with research. Alice Sebold has appeared on chat shows and been featured in magazines etc. talking about why she became a writer, gothic and feminist influences etc. She also wrote a memoir called Lucky about the experiences which inspired her to write The Lovely Bones. Be warned it is harrowing reading.
How was the novel recieved? Develop your understanding with research. Read reviews and critical analyses of the novel Books that take a genre or narrative based approach Texts which explore the novel through various literary-critical perspectives (eg. Feminist, historical etc.) Articles written about the book for A Level students.