JUSTIFICATION Introduction You are watching a trial in a courtroom. You hear the long list of charges against the defendant, and you hear the defendant admit he is guilty. You know the law, and the law says that person guilty of these crimes should get at least 20 years in prison. What would you think if in spite of all this the judge ruled the defendant not guilty? (Answers might vary but would probably include feelings of anger or disappointment.) What are some reasons you would feel anger or disappointment? (Because a guilty person went free; because you would feel the judge must have been paid off or something; because you don’t know if you can trust our courts if this is the way things happen) JUSTIFICATION
JUSTIFICATION Justification refers to our being declared just, holy or “not guilty” by God for the sake of Jesus and his work as Substitute. JUSTIFICATION = just – as – if – I’d…
The Forgiveness of Sins Not Guilty! (SIN) GOD How could God say this??
The Forgiveness of Sins Not Guilty!
SANCTIFICATION … refers to our being set apart from the unbelieving world to lead a God-pleasing life.
Why Christians Want To Grow in Sanctification God is honored and glorified by our lives. We are blessed. Fellow believers are helped and served. Unbelievers are attracted to Jesus by us.
Justification Justification Completely innocent!
Growing in godly living. Sanctification Growing in godly living.
HOW GOD HELPS US He urges us to use regularly His Word and Sacraments for spiritual food. He urges us to worship regularly with our fellow Christians for upbuilding. He urges us to pray regularly that his will be done in our lives.
HOW GOD HELPS US He urges us to confess our sins regularly to be assured of his forgiveness and power for godly living. Exhale 1. Confess 2. Turn Inhale 1. Surrender 2. Live in joy