EECE6017 Lab 3 My First FPGA with ADC Prelab Activities: Complete the homework given for Lab 2 Go Through the training “DE0-Nano-SoC_My_First_FPGA.pdf” from the Manual on the DE0-Nano-SOC System CD. Demonstrate the my_first_fpga project in the DE0-Nano-SoC_v.1.1.0_SystemCD\Demonstrations\FPGA\my_first_fpga folder Work to be done during this lab: Turn in assignments from lab 2 (if you have not completed these, turn them in at the beginning of lab) Questions on Lab 3 : Discuss the program as given in my_first_fpga sample and come up with questions if there are any. Demonstrate advanced FPGA Examples, including the ADC Reading example, provided in DE0-Nano-SOC User Manual on the DE0- Nano-SoC_v.1.1.0_SystemCD.
EECE6017 Lab 3 My First FPGA with ADC Read Chapter 5 - Examples For FPGA from DE0-Nano-SoC_User_manual.pdf Go through 5.2 ADC Reading from the user manual and demostrate the DE0_NANO_SOC_ADC project from Demonstrations\FPGA folder (instructions are given in the user manual) Use Eclipse IDE for building the NIOS II software projects. The tool is already part of the Quartus II software.( check the install directory - altera_lite\16.0\nios2eds\bin). Launch eclipsec-nios2.exe and select the workspace location. To open an existing project, change the workspace location. For Example, to open the DE0_NANO_SOC_ADC, and DE0_NANO_SOC_ADC_BSP, provide the workspace location for the demo program - \Demonstrations\FPGA\ DE0_NANO_SOC_ADC\software. Use the ADC output to determine the Clock frequency to be generated by Pll (done as part of my_first_fpga) and change the LED blinking frequency accordingly Show the output with LEDs blinking in different speeds while adjusting the potentiometer manually A few potentiometers will be available during the lab session and may have to be shared among teams NOTE: To complete the ADC lab (to make the analog input voltage control the speed of the blinking lights), you need to use the Qsys system and the NIOS II sof-core processor. Information on these can be found in Tutorials 4-9 on the lab page (some of which have already been assigned to you). Written documentation can also be found in items 9 and 10 in the "Additional Documents" Section of the lab page.
Homework: Study LT24 Display board datasheet and User Manual From the instructions given in the manual, demonstrate the sample application, “Paint” in LT24 display board Learn to use NIOS software build tools with this exercise