STARS A matter of life and death
The Star Story ESRT p 15: Characteristics of Stars This chart uses tells the life cycle of stars Most stars are what we consider main sequence (including our sun). They make up 90% of the stars in our sky. Stars change into the other stages as they progress through their lives
Stars Stars are BIG balls of “burning” hydrogen gas Hydrogen isn’t “burning” but going through nuclear fusion to make energy Stars produce electromagnetic radiation (mostly light and heat) As they deplete their hydrogen, stars go through different stages…
Stars Stars begin as clouds of gas and dust called NEBULA PROTOSTARS develop from nebula PROTOSTARS turn into STARS ONLY IF they are big enough! If a star is born, it will be in the first stage…
Main Sequence Stars Make up 90% of the stars These are medium sized Our sun is a main sequence star! Stars stay in this part of their life cycle for the longest time Main Sequence stars range in size, temperature, color and luminosity (brightness) The Sun
Characteristics of Stars
Giant Stars The next stage after Main Sequence They are 100-1000 times larger than our Sun These are massive, red, cooler and brighter
Characteristics of Stars
Super Giants The next stage in a star’s life… Up to 105 times bigger than our Sun! They burn bright and die quickly These stars tend to be HUGE and very BRIGHT but also relatively cool
Characteristics of Stars
White Dwarfs The last stage in a star’s life! These are smaller than our sun! These are small, dim and HOT
Characteristics of Stars
Neutron Stars These are what’s left after a white dwarf “burns out” These are what’s left at the end of the star’s life