Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society Finance AESS Spring Board meeting 8-9May2015 Washington DC Ron Ogan, AESS Finance VP
Finance Strategic Plan 2014-2018 The Mission of the Finance Committee is to develop and manage a budget that will: Allow AESS to deliver the types of services and benefits to our members and members of our professional community that are in keeping with the overall goals and objectives of the Society and IEEE Generate a reasonable surplus to keep the Society solvent and vibrant and allow for expansion of our activities as needed Provide adequate funds for new initiatives to better serve the members Provide timely financial assessment to assist officers in managing their area. Provide feedback to the AESS Board of Governors regarding IEEE financial operations and information. 9/13/2018
Finance Strategic Plan 2014-2018 Short Term Actions: Strengthen Budgeting Process for establishing the annual budget. Strengthening the AESS liaison to Conferences and Publications to understand financial risk and upside investment funds potential for AES Initiatives Develop a feedback mechanism regarding AESS investments Three-Year Goals Understand publication moves (Magazine and Xplore -- Open Source) and their impact on future financial flows. Work with Conferences to Increase the Surplus returned to AESS Put checks and balances in the process to improve the AESS Initiative planning, and protect our surplus Seek additional sources of revenue such as corporate partnerships 9/13/2018
Finance 2016 budget timeline 10APR page count due- Minimal effect with IEEE since Allen Press publishes Transactions and Systems magazine- Board needs page count to monitor trends. 22 May Renewal product offering 8 June Target budget sent to S/C from IEEE 15 July First Pass budget due 13 August 2nd pass budget due 22/23 November IEEE Board approves budgets 9/13/2018
Finance Strategic Plan 2014-2018 AESS Growth for a Five year Period Data in $000 US dollars 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 MEMBERS 4500 4725 4961 5209 5470 INCOME 2,748.90 2,500.00 2,625.00 2,756.25 2,894.06 EXPENSE 2,761.80 2,400.00 INITIATIVES $0.00 $60.00 $65.00 $70.00 $75.00 NET Initiatives excluded -12.90 100.00 125.00 131.25 145.16 9/13/2018
2014 AESS Finance data FM13-14 9/13/2018
AESS Finance data MAY2015 9/13/2018
AESS Finance Strategic Plan 2015 Status and 5-year history of actual and future budgets, expense, reserves and surplus. Year 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014B 2014 PRELIM 2015 B Income Conferences & Conf Related 2,280.4 2,216.9 2,184.6 1,893.2 2,090.7 1,905.6 2,111.0 Member Dues 87.6 83.2 82.5 81.3 82.3 80.2 Publications 674.0 642.4 655.5 762.6 575.5 630.2 601.9 Non Periodicals 2.9 2.2 - Newsletter Grants 5.5 Other 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.4 Total Income 3,050.9 2,944.8 2,923.0 2,737.1 2,748.9 2,618.2 2,793.5 Expenses Interest Income (195.0) 285.2 (224.4) (701.2) 79.9 1,408.8 1,498.5 1,332.9 1,238.0 1,436.4 1,163.3 1,385.3 851.6 873.2 793.1 657.2 795.7 691.1 732.6 13.7 9.0 5.3 4.1 5.9 4.8 5.0 Administration* 172.0 201.9 227.7 233.3 257.1 246.8 261.7 IEEE Infrastructure** 183.3 176.3 191.5 196.9 51.9 47.7 Committee & Other 255.6 368.5 276.0 254.8 239.8 164.4 271.6 Total Exp. 2,695.5 3,412.5 2,602.2 1,883.0 2,786.8 2,402.2 2,703.9 Net 355.4 (467.7) 320.8 854.1 (37.8) 216.0 89.6 Reserves 3,307.1 2,839.3 3,160.0 4,024.5 3,986.7 4,240.5 4,330.1 *not including IEEE Infrastructure (direct and indirect) **Includes direct & Indirect infrastructure and any credit 9/13/2018
2016 AESS Budget inputs 9/13/2018
2007-2014 comparisons 2007-2013 Actual data 2014 Budgeted data Conference Gross Margin Averages to 36% 9/13/2018
2014 AESS Member comparisons % # Member type 0.70% 43 Affiliate 1.36% 84 Associate Member 1.88% 116 Fellow 6.22% 383 Graduate Student 2.03% 125 Life Fellow 7.52% 463 Life Member 3.95% 243 Life Senior 52.90% 3256 Member 12.90% 794 Senior Member 10.53% 648 Student Member IEEE SAMIEEE data extracted APR2014 9/13/2018
2014- More to follow! QUESTIONS? THANK YOU 9/13/2018